Looking into this future story, the New Jerusalem reveals a beautiful city prophesized to come down from Heaven immediately after all sorts of evil have been removed from Earth. Indeed, this is the coming day all the saints look forward to, and it will be glorious.

This story answers questions concerning the Kingdom of God, the coming New Jerusalem, and the future habitation place for our souls. Indeed, for the benefit of understanding, this look into the future story will remove much confusion about the puzzle of life.

I am confident many people wonder what happens after the death of our flesh, and they wonder who goes up and who goes down. I am confident many people are concerned about loved ones who didn’t give their heart to God while being alive in the flesh.

I assure you that life isn’t like a bed of roses, and this short life we experience in the flesh will confront us with an abundance of sorrows and pain. However, for the benefit of everlasting peace, we all hope to escape from the darkness of life eventually.

I believe this informative story will answer all the above questions and many more questions Christians are concerned about in the next life. However, I advise every reader fortunate enough to read this story to consider it a warning story and give their heart to God.

Mainly because the kingdom of God is the desirable place to live in the next life to come, but for the benefit of securing a place in His kingdom, we need to start preparing for our new life right away. I want you to realize it’s our responsibility to prepare our way.

Within the New Jerusalem, it’ll be our pleasure to talk to our Creator God face to face as a friend and a believer in His ways of righteousness. The following scripture reveals the sorrows of the flesh will pass away after we begin our new life with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Revelation 21:4 Nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:

Revelation 21:4 For the former things (which means the pain and sorrow, the evil things of this world, and the suffering of the flesh) are passed away.

However, please try to understand our good fortune to live in the kingdom of Heaven or within the New Jerusalem; it all depends on whether or not we revere God and keep His commandments as He asked us to do during our lifetime in the flesh.

Indeed, the word asking has an extreme definition, entwined with requirements from a higher power. The word asking is connected with obedience, reverence, and the ability to feel the choice feeling waiting to emerge from our hearts.

However, disobedience and irreverence mean asking wasn’t good enough for some people, and because their hearts were foolish, they rejected His invitation. Truly, we can decline His invitation to live in His kingdom if we want to live our way.

Positively, if we fail to cherish and love to do the righteous things God asks of us is the same thing as illustrating rejection to Him or deciding not to put His word in high regard. As much as God loves us, it would be wrong for Him to force us to love His word.

The following explanation of scripture, severe and critical, reveals the consequences of rejecting the righteous ways of God. Truly, for the benefit of simplicity, and because He cares about us securing eternal life, the following scripture is told by Him in perfect clarity.

Revelation 21:27 And there in no wise enter into it (the New Jerusalem) anything that defileth (means make unclean, or corrupt), neither whatsoever worketh abominations (means anyone who commits evil and ungodly acts) or maketh a lie: But (means except) they which are written in the Lambs Book (means Son’s Book) Of Life.

The above scripture stipulates that abominations and corrupt and unclean lifestyles are indicators of ungodliness. Positively, you need to know choosing to live ungodlily doesn’t write anyone a good autobiography in the Book of Life.

Therefore, the names of ungodly people who refuse to follow God’s ways while living in the flesh. Their names will not have a good record attached to their autobiography, nor will they be invited to live in the New Jerusalem.

Our wonderful Bible, containing Heavenly wisdom, tells us man does not live by bread alone. However, we must try to live by every precious and absolute word from God’s mouth. Truly, I want you to know that God’s gospel is the image of God.

Therefore, we should be highly motivated and endeavor to make God’s infallible and perfect word our pathway through darkness and our guide through this life. Otherwise, we’ll lose our way through the concrete jungles and live and die lost.

Nor should we become passive or indifferent and stray away from the narrow pathway lest we lose our way at the crossroads of life and not find our way back to God. I warn you that all roads do not lead us back to our perfect Creator, God of Heaven and Earth.

I assure you the narrow pathway is the right road to New Jerusalem, and the broad road, crowded with lukewarm and passive people, is the wrong highway. Sadly, the lukewarm road goes to a terrible place; we’ll not like to call our home.

I hope you travel through this life on the narrow road, and I hope to see you at the New Jerusalem in your new angelic body as a happy resident in Utopia. Exceedingly, I am glad if you make the right decision to love God and travel daily on His narrow road.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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