This concern story, Two Fathers, is a parallel story that revolves around respect, love, thankfulness, and reverence, and anything less coincides with ungodly characteristics. I warn you not to make a serious mistake; our Savior God expects us to honor our Earthly Father.

Furthermore, this story comes with a parallel whenever we consider how our children should treat Fathers. Therefore, please remember our Father in Heaven desires the same treatment from us as we expect from our children, and a parallel does exist.

Positively, I have two Fathers whom I love and respect highly. However, when I pray to God, I do so to my Father in Heaven. I pray to my Father in Heaven because He’s my Creator God. I greatly thank Him for the wonderful Earthly father He gave me.

My wonderful Earthly father is gone to be with the Lord, and that’s where he should be for the rest of eternity. However, I miss him and think about him every day, and I want you to know he parallels my Creator Father in many ways because I think about my Father in Heaven every day of my life.

Indeed, my wonderful Heavenly Father gave me and everyone else the fifth commandment, and please realize the perfect fifth commandment is extremely important to my Father in Heaven. Undoubtedly, I am sure many judgment calls are decided because of His fifth commandment.

Even though the perfect fifth commandment requires me and everyone else to honor our Earthly Father, the fifth commandment also has a dual meaning to include Him. Sadly, maybe not enough people realize it, but He’s our Heavenly Father.

Positively, God also expects me to honor my mother, and if I do, my days on this Earth will be honorable and long. However, many uncaring children don’t want to honor, love, or respect their father and mother. Sadly, their hearts aren’t big enough to love their parents.

However, they pray many prayers to their Father in Heaven and ask Him for divine blessings and favor, even though they haven’t any respect for their Earthly Father. However, they don’t see the parallel and expect their Heavenly Father to respect and honor them.

Undoubtedly, fellowship with their Heavenly Father will be much harder for these hard-hearted children to obtain. To increase awareness, I am asking you, why should we believe our righteous God will bless hard-hearted children or honor their prayer requests?

Indeed, these disobedient and hard-hearted children I am describing have double standards, mainly because they want to receive blessings from their Heavenly Father, but their hearts are cold and they bless not their father nor their mother on this Earth.

Indeed, a child must be as blind as a bat; if they are so short-sighted, they think their Heavenly Father doesn’t recognize mental cruelty to parents. Because He does, and children better beware, our Heavenly Father is watching and listening to us and observing how we treat our parents.

Furthermore, if we reap what we sow, disrespect for our father and mother may result in compensation from our Heavenly Father. Because I am pretty sure there’s a limit to His patience, and sooner or later, He will react to children disrespecting their parents.

Therefore, children of parents hate not the speck or flaw you see in your parent’s character. Because you have specks and flaws in your character, too, because no one’s perfect, I warn you: we are foolish if we hold it against our parents because they aren’t perfect.

Furthermore, the devil sifts us like wheat, and he’ll sift the children of parents, too. Be wise, and please remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the evil spirits of the air, and as hard as we try to resist their influence, we’ll still sin and fall short of being perfect.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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