Most Christians tend to believe when the Son of God was nailed to the cross, His Blood Covenant replaced the Old Covenant we have with God. But nowhere in our Bible do the scriptures say the Blood Covenant replaced the Old Testament Covenant.

However, this story says that a New Covenant is added to the Old Covenant, and there’s nothing wrong with having two covenants with God if the word of God decides it’s necessary. Furthermore, a moral evaluation of the Earth’s population and their failure to live godly proves the second covenant is necessary.

This truth means we, loyal believers in Christ, after the brutal death of Yeshua, have a covenant with the Father who gave us His Covenant on Mount Sinai and another Covenant with the Son of God given to us on the wooden cross. Indeed, when both of them are entwined together, they illuminate perfection to the highest degree.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, only the Father and the Son of God could improve on perfection, and this story proves they considered our imperfections. Truly, they gave us a Combination Covenant because of our inability to be perfect and because we need forgiveness through repentance and change.

Positively, I hope you realize that the excellent and wonderful Son of God willingly gave His life to us who happily believe in Him. Truly, because of the Son of God and His love for humanity, it’s not necessary to ever sacrifice another animal for the forgiveness of sin.

I am one hundred percent certain if the blood of the Lamb covers us, then the death angel will pass over us because of His blood sacrifice upon the cross. I suppose, simply for the benefit of clarity, the wonderful Son of God is called the Lamb of God because of His peace-loving character.

Positively, you and I can be assured because of acts of corruption in the temple of Herod, alias the temple of the baby killer, the den of thieves, or the dwelling place of snakes and vipers, cleansed no one. Nor did the corrupt chief priests in Jerusalem save any person from the pits of Hell or fight against Lucifer for the souls of men and women.

Furthermore, neither can any man nor building save anyone or convert anyone to a loyal believer in Christ, nor can a man or building offer them eternal life. Surely, we are foolish to believe that belonging to an organization will secure us with the wonderful gift of salvation.

However, I am certain that there is one person who can save anyone, and His wonderful name is Jesus Christ, alias the Son of God. Many well-studied Christians call Him Yeshua, and He offers whoever believes in Him eternal life.

Positively, He’s the reason for the New Blood Covenant and the reason the blood of goats and animals are abolished for the sacrifice of sin. I gladly say God bless Yeshua, and great glory belongs to Him. Undoubtedly, He’s the bravest among the brave, the best among the best, and our Savior from the judgment of damnation.

However, please be aware that the New Blood Covenant did not replace the Old Covenant but improved on the Old Covenant. Therefore, our covenant with God remains the same, and the perfect Ten Commandments are our covenant with God.

            This truth means that after the death of Yeshua, we now have Two Covenants to observe. One covenant identifies sin, and the other can forgive us of sin, and the combination of the two elevates perfection to the highest degree possible.

The perfect Ten Commandments of God are our rules and requirements and our wonderful covenant with our Great Creator God. He inscribed the Ten Commandments on stone in the desert and said we are required to keep the Ten Commandments forever.

This next informative scripture separates the wonderful Blood Covenant from the Ten Commandments Covenant. But I want you to know that the Blood Covenant and the Ten Commandments Covenant combine to create the perfect Compassionate Covenant.

Our Father’s Covenant and His Son’s Covenant blended to enhance perfection. As perfect and excellent as our Ten Commandments Covenant is in detail, His Son’s Blood Covenant enhanced perfection to the highest degree of perfection.

Positively, I want you to realize that after the death of the wonderful Son of God, we’ve gained a Compassionate Covenant. Thanks to our Father and His Son, the Compassionate Covenant is strong in excellent words but soft-hearted for remorseful sinners who repent and change.

            2 Kings 17:37 And the statutes, the ordinances, the laws, and the commandments, which He wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore, and ye shall not fear (means not support, acknowledge, or respect) other gods.

Positively, I want you to understand that one covenant shouldn’t be confused with the other, and the New Covenant didn’t erase the Old Covenant. But perfection was elevated to the highest pinnacle of elevation for our benefit.

This explanation story, Two Covenants, adds soap and water to sin, whereas, before the death of Christ, nothing could wash sin away. This truth means that soap and water are a metaphor for saying that the blood of Yeshua washes sin away.

Positively, the wonderful Old Covenant, added to the New Covenant, equals a Compassionate Covenant. The compassionate covenant, designed for remorseful sinners, illustrates the mercy my Great God has for mistake-makers.

            Paul Douglas Castle

            Bible story writer


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