I assure you, now isn’t the time to abandon the city of Jerusalem, and the citizens of Jerusalem do not have to fear flesh and blood enemies. The time to leave Jerusalem will not come until the rebellious angels are released from the pits of Hell.

However, as hard as it is to accept because it’s prophecy, there will come a day and a time when everyone living in Jerusalem should leave and go elsewhere. Indeed, this statement is accurate because the Son of God tells us this truth in the Book of Mark.

Indeed, if we believe in the Son of God and have faith in His word, then fleeing to the mountains means it’s Time To Abandon Jerusalem. The following scripture reveals the reason the people of Jerusalem better leave, mainly because it’s time for Satan to return to the Earth in his physical form.

The Son of God predicts the coming return time for the abomination of desolation within the book of Mark and Daniel, and sometime in the future, their predictions will come true. However, no one knows the day and the hour, but the abomination of desolation will return like a thief in the night.

Mark 13:14 But when you shall see the Abomination Of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it (alias the Serpent Of Old, Lucifer, the Devil, standing where it) ought not,

Mark 13:14 (let him that readeth understand), then let them in Judea flee to the mountains.

Judea is a much larger province than Jerusalem’s city, consisting of several smaller towns, including Jerusalem. However, the city of Jerusalem will most likely be the place where the prophesized Abomination Of Desolation makes his last stand.

Therefore, and for the benefit of safety, the Son of God advises everyone in Judea to flee to the mountains, and these next two easily misunderstood scriptures confuse many Christians. Sadly, it’s because they do not comprehend their true meaning.

Especially if they assume it’s a rapture scripture and an escape plan from this Earth, and as disappointing as it sounds, it’s not either. However, the Son of God urges everyone to flee to the mountains for the people’s benefit.

Mark 13:15 And let him on the housetop not go down into the house, nor enter therein, to take anything out of the house.

Mark 13:16 And let him that is in the field, not turn back again to take up his garment.

The above two revealing and warning scriptures say, get out of Judea fast. The above two scriptures emphasize quickness and a speedy retreat to the mountains, and this is the advice of our all-knowing Savior, who looks into the future and sees everything.

Furthermore, fleeing to the mountains doesn’t mean becoming weightless and floating in the air. Nor would anyone floating up into the atmosphere be able to retrieve their garment, and it wouldn’t be possible to go into their house for anything.

Therefore, the flyaway assumption most Christians believe is true may not be accurate, and I am pretty sure the above two declaration scriptures do not connect with a rapture theory. Regardless of what world-renowned preachers teach and imagine to be true.

Going back into the house is foolish for anyone to think about if they are floating in the air, and again, I am telling you, going back into the house isn’t an option if a Christian is floating up into the air.

If the scriptures predict us to float into the air as some teach, why would Yeshua tell us not to return to the house? It’s for sure; anyone escaping gravity and floating in the air will not be concerned about taking extra clothing or anything else from their home.

Numerous Christians, and maybe most Christians, believe the Son of God will come and get them and then turn around and take them back to Heaven. They appear to think that the above two scriptures reference an assumed rapture even without good clarification to prove it.

I use the phrase assumed rapture on purpose because of the importance of making the right decision. It’s because the rapture theory is a theory, and the rapture most Christians look for isn’t one hundred percent for sure or spelled out as clearly as black and white.

However, regardless of lacking rock-solid proof or Bible scripture assurance, most Christians believe they’ll float into the air and meet the Son of God in the clouds. They believe they’ll escape the terrible tribulation time on this Earth by floating up into the clouds and going beyond the reach of the demon angels.

I assure you, the rapture theory is a beautiful thought, and it sounds like a great plan, and it’s easy enough to believe. Truly, it’s easy enough to wish our escape from the tribulation time would be as easy as turning into a feather floating in the wind.

However, because the Son of God doesn’t say He’s coming after His children to take them to Heaven, I am not convinced of a featherweight escape plan. Nor do I believe the rapture assumption is the correct analogy to think before the great tribulation time begins.

Anyway, if I were living in or visiting the province of Judea or Jerusalem, the Abomination Of Desolation is standing there as the dictator in authority. Then I would not be a foolish person and stand around and wait to float up into the clouds and back to Heaven.

Because an undocumented belief is most likely wrong, I want to warn you that misbelieving takes us in the wrong direction. Furthermore, I am sure the rapture theory has holes and won’t float when it stands beside the truth.

Furthermore, believing in the rapture theory could sway someone into believing the wrong thing at a critical moment. This truth means believers in the rapture may wait too long before trying to escape the wrath of the Abomination Of Desolation.

Therefore, it’s imperative to take our advice from Yeshua and flee from the land of Judea and Jerusalem as quickly as possible. This truth means waiting around to float into the clouds could cause a person to be taken captive by the enemies of our Savior God.

Whoever waits around too long could be taken captive by the same demons who possessed King Herod at a previous time. These same demons also possessed Judas Iscariot, the chief priest, and the scribes, during the time Jesus was nailed to the wooden cross.

The only difference between the two time periods and the works of their servants, such as Herod and Judas Iscariot and the chief priests, is that it’ll not be necessary for Satan and his army of demons to use a go-between to accomplish their destructive goals.

This truth means that Satan and his army of demons from Hell will be back in their physical bodies during the terrible tribulation, and the spirit forms God confined them to for approximately four thousand years; the limitations will not apply to them during the great tribulation.

Positively, some preachers and teachers wholeheartedly believe in the rapture theory and teach the rapture assumption as a rock-solid, pre-determined event as if it’s going to happen. However, I wonder why they can’t be honest and say they believe a rapture will occur instead of projecting absoluteness by saying it will happen when they aren’t positive it will happen.

However, the choice is ours, and we can believe in an assumed rapture if we want to be dreamy. However, we shouldn’t believe in an assumed rapture simply because someone else does or because many preachers and teachers teach it as absolute Bible prophecy.

Indeed, faith in His word is much better than in men’s, and we can believe in an assumption theory, which some men think will happen. Otherwise, we can consider the warning words the Son of God says, and I think we should take His advice.

Indeed, we have the gift of free will, and the choice is ours to make. Then, we should realize it could be a critical choice if we live in Jerusalem or visit the land of Judea. However, regardless of where we stand, we should seek to know as much about the tribulation time as possible.

In the Book of Mark, chapter thirteen, verse fourteen, the all-knowing Son of God tells us to flee to the mountains. Flee to the mountains is an urgent message telling everyone to leave Jerusalem fast, mainly because the Abomination Of Desolation is standing in the holy city, and the sacred city is Jerusalem.

Indeed, I believe the voice of Jesus is the voice of great wisdom, and I am sure His advice is more reliable than men who assume the way prophecy will unfold in the last days. However, as the Son of God speaks from the Book of Mark, He delivers a message of urgency, not a rapture declaration.

The all-knowing Son of God is warning concerned people through the scriptures in advance, and He’s telling them not to hang around the land of Judea, especially when Satan presents himself there in person. I want you to realize that a parallel to the first Earth age begins, and Lucifer will be at Jerusalem in his physical form.

However, the concerned Son of God knew future things to come over two thousand years ago. He isn’t giving this advice to the unbelievers or whosoever worships other gods. However, He’s giving this advice to His elect, whom He’s concerned about in the last days before His return.

The message is urgent, and the need is so dire there isn’t time to return to the house after valuable things. Nor is there time to shower, shave, and fill a suitcase with clothing, and I speculate the believers in His warning will be fortunate to leave with the clothing on their backs.

Urgently, the Son of God tells us to flee to the mountains after the Abomination Of Desolation stands in the holy city, and regardless of our thoughts on the matter, the best thing to do is listen to Jesus. I hope you realize the angel that opens the gates of Hell is commanded to open it by God.

In this serious story, Time To Abandon Jerusalem. Would you please realize this story is based on the words of Jesus Christ? Therefore, remember to do as Jesus says: flee to the mountains. This truth means it’s time to abandon the city of Jerusalem.

Conclusively, if a rapture were going to occur, then I am confident the Son of God wouldn’t have to say, flee to the mountains. However, the Son of God gives good advice to everyone, and saying, escape to the mountains is His excellent advice.

Otherwise, the Son of God would say, do not worry, Christians, there will be a rapture, and everyone will float up into the clouds. However, the Son of God doesn’t say there will be a rapture, and if I were you, I wouldn’t look for one during this critical moment.

If the rapture theory proves one fact for sure, we see it happening quite often at the houses of God. It demonstrates the imaginations of men are great deceivers, and many preachers preach messages conjured up within their minds.

However, a wonderful metamorphosis will occur when believers in Christ receive the privilege to float up into the clouds to meet the supernatural Son of God. I want you to know that all believers in Christ will be changed into a spirit form in the twinkling of an eye.

However, the believers in Christ will not go directly to Heaven and will not sit out the tribulation battle in a faraway place. However, they’ll join the warrior Son of God as He prepares to battle the forces of evil and the wicked Abomination Of Desolation.

This truth means we who meet the avenging Son of God in the clouds are directly coming back as warriors for Christ. Furthermore, I want you to know the Son of God will be on His way here, and He’s coming to destroy Satan with the brightness of His coming.

As for you and me, we’ll be by His side because we love Him. We’ll be at war against everyone guilty of having the mark of the beast. However, thanks to our great Savior God, all of us loyal to His perfect Son will have the seal of God inside our forehead.

I assure you that this coming war will end all wars on this Earth, at least for one thousand years, and after the thousand years have expired, Heavenly creations will fight it. Undoubtedly, it’ll be angels against angels and our wonderful Yeshua against Satan.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, it’ll be a winner-take-all war, and the losers will be terminated for the good of peace and godliness. However, please know the seal of God and the mark of the beast divide everyone in this next war. Truly, it’ll be the mark of the beast army, fighting with the seal of God’s army.

Before this story ends, you should know that my great God will send an angel to release the prisoners from Hell. I want you to realize that the prisoners from Hell aren’t being released to kill His children during the tribulation event, and I am sure God doesn’t release killers to kill His loyal believers.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer


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