The troubled man is me, and my failures haunt me; sometimes, I want to live, and sometimes I want to die. I’ve written hundreds of Bible stories to help improve man’s spiritual condition, yet it seems I haven’t helped or improved their understanding of the Bible.

As hard as I’ve tried, I’ve failed; I’ve found the power of Satan is much stronger than I imagined, and his army of heathens is located in all four corners of the Earth.

The Lord’s chosen people are at war against the servants of Satan, and his evil army wants to kill God’s people, but it’s not only in Israel; Putin loves to kill women and children, too, and no respect for life identifies the wicked servants of Satan.

Shall I believe all my works were in vain, now that I know the flesh and blood man is fighting a giant when he tries to expose, portray, and open blind eyes to the works of Satan, who wants to destroy our souls? Who am I to believe I can battle the evil prince of this world or educate men and encourage them to be warriors for God?

I assure you regardless of my efforts, the world will wax worse and worse, and I am a helpless man living with God, and everything He’s shared with me benefits me only. Maybe if I had been born hundreds of years ago and written the works I’ve accomplished, I could’ve made a difference.

But I wasn’t, and time to help people on a global scale has run out, and the sands of time in the hourglass are nearly empty. I am a troubled man haunted by my failure to help people who need to find God, and sadly, few will follow the path leading them to Heaven.

As I write this story, the sickle of death is thrashing the wheat, the Earth is a battlefield, prophecy is being fulfilled, and the blood of men and women is rising to the height of the horse’s bridle. Soon, the dead will be plentiful, and the birds of the air will devour the flesh of the dead, and no one on this Earth can stop the Riders on the white and red horse.

A day is coming when the rich will toss their money onto the streets and hide themselves from the face of the Lord. But first, the Rider on the white and red horse will take safety from all four corners of the Earth, the easy life some men and women enjoy will be a thing of the past, and sores will cover the skin of men and women doctors cannot heal.

The next scripture was written by an apostle of Christ, who was hated and put in prison by the Romans on the Island of Patmos; while in prison, John wrote the book of Revelation, and he tells us about the seal openings and the Rider On The White and Red Horse.

Before I tell you about Rider On the Red Horse, I shall tell you about Rider On The First Horse. Then, you will better understand the parallels of the next two scriptures compared to what’s happening worldwide today.

Revelation 6:2 I saw, and behold a White Horse, and he (Satan) that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given to him ( the evil prince of this world, Satan): and he went forth conquering, and to conquer (enslave and kill the people of God in this world).

Revelation 6:4 There went out a second horse, red (red represents the color of war): and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the Earth, that they (dictators, the servants of Satan) should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

My opinion: The world is changing for the worse before our eyes, and men will curse God and blame Him for their miseries, hunger will be widespread, and some men and women will give their alliance to Satan and receive the mark of the beast to eat.

Don’t expect a rapture, but repent, change, and serve God for the remainder of your time, and when the reapers come to cleanse the Earth, they’ll take the tares and the chaff first, and you will be left behind to live in the kingdom of God.

Bible story writer

Paul Castle

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