This enlightenment story, which I call The Spring That Never Runs Dry, is more accurate than the pattern of the sun. It entwines and expresses the literal and illustrates it through an illustrative example, and our life is missing godliness if we aren’t drinking from the spring that never runs dry.

Therefore, before this revealing story starts, I want you to know that the spring that never runs dry isn’t about water, wells, or bubbling over wet locations. Truthfully, the spring that never runs dry is everywhere a believer in Christ is thirsty.   

I want you to know that the beautiful spring that never runs dry is connected to a divine source, and the spring that never runs dry is about the righteous word from the Heavens above, which flows from God’s compassionate heart. My God is bubbling over, full of incredible wisdom, love, and righteousness. 

The excellent word of God sprung up from His incredibly passionate heart, and His heart commanded Him to share with you and me His superior wisdom. Because of His love for us, He poured out the knowledge in His heart through the best of words. 

I assure you that because of many recorded biblical events, we know His heart commands His thoughts and actions. Furthermore, it’s a beautiful blessing in our favor to have a righteous God, bound and entwined to His own honest heart. 

Truly, I want you to realize that His superior and righteous thoughts were passed from Him to the prophets, apostles, and His beautiful Son. Because a new world is on the horizon, He wants us to learn the correct way from Him and all His servants and be ready for the new horizon. 

I am sure His excellent and righteous thoughts are constantly taught in every generation. Because He cares about our spiritual development, it’ll be the same until His beautiful Son returns in the last days.

Conclusively, we must stop, look up, thank our great God, bend down, and drink from the spring that never dries. After tasting His delicious waters, I am sure we’ll not be full and thirst over and over for the beautiful word of God.

Bible scriptures reveal that the spring that never runs dry symbolizes the Rock in the desert, and the Rock is where pure water flowed forth during the time of Moses and the desert dwellers. We could accurately say it was a divine miracle rock designed to extend the life of His people.  

Positively, the Rock in the desert and our life symbolize God, and living waters flow from Him, not from any other person. His perfect word, superior to all other Words, coincides with the strength of solid Rock, and He’s the miracle worker from above. 

Even during the droughts, He’s still the spring that never dries up, and no other waters are as satisfying as the waters flowing from His throne. The excellent word of God is similar to living waters, and they sustain and extend life of every sort. 

Conclusively, there wouldn’t be life on this Earth without water, nor would there be eternal life without having God and His excellent life-saving word designed to prepare us for His kingdom. I want you to realize the whole duty of man entwines with every word of His gospel. 

Therefore, I want you to know that the perfect word of God and life-sustaining waters are elements to nourish our body and heart, and thanks to our excellent provider, God, both increase our inner strength to a greater degree. 

Furthermore, just as we seek to find water every day of our lives, we should seek the excellent word of God the same way every day. If we seek God’s word daily, our efforts will become a pleasure and fill us with great faith. 

I assure you that we cannot do without the perfect word of God, no more than we can do without water and live a long life. However, men will seek after and drink water daily, defy logic, and not care about learning the required word of God. 

Bible Story Writer Paul Castle

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