It’s a prophesied time, and this look into the future story, The Seven Angels, is taken from the great book of Revelation. This story reveals the events prophesied to happen on this Earth after the residents of Hell ascend to the surface among men. Sadly, I must say, most people living on this Earth will be surprised and have low oil in their lamps on the wedding night of the bride and the groom.

The prophesized seven angels from Heaven are the loyal messengers of God, and because of our Savior, the believers in God will not be harmed by them. Indeed, it’s important to remember the harmful things intending to harm humankind will come from the realms of Hell.

However, in the coming future, and maybe shortly, the opening of the bottomless pit, a place called Hell, and the prophesized tribulation time will set a new stage on this Earth. It’ll be unlike anything man is accustomed to seeing, and this place we call Earth will turn into a completely different world.

I assure you this world will have supernatural creations living in all four corners again, and most of humankind cannot imagine the fierceness of their image. Our Supreme God and the prophets assure us this world will radically change for the worse when an angel from Heaven opens the gates of Hell.

Indeed, I want to warn you after the gates of Hell are opened after four thousand years, every creation that’s locked away in the pits of the abyss will be coming from underground to the surface. I guarantee the people in this world will not be ready or prepared for the ungodly creations coming out of Hell, and most of humankind will be surprised.

Nor can we expect these ungodly creations coming out of Hell to be submissive or vulnerable to flesh and blood authority. I assure you bullets and manufactured weapons will not hurt them, and it’ll seem like the supernatural from Hell has been awakened.

This truth means when they are here among us, we know that the great tribulation time on this Earth has fully begun. I am pretty sure the world of the ungodly has heard about the coming tribulation time. However, I am sure they believe it’s a myth.

Therefore, the great tribulation time, the mark of the beast, the demons from Hell, and the plagues of God will overtake ungodly men like rats caught in a trap. During this tribulation time, the ungodly person will suffer from pain and curse the God of Heaven and Earth and repent not.

It’ll be an unusual time on this Earth when weird scorpions have stingers in their tails, and the locust will look like a horse with a man’s face. The scorpion creatures will have crowns on their head, and no street corner or country place in the mountains will be secure from them.

Indeed, these fierce beasts from Hell will trouble the men and women on this Earth if they do not have God’s special seal written on their forehead. I conclude the seal of God exempts the children of God from experiencing the judgment poured out by the seven angels.

Furthermore, I believe the seal of God means the same thing as having the sincere love of God in our hearts. I am sure the authority of men will be exchanged and given over to the control of Lucifer, and the wicked Lucifer is the abomination of desolation.

Positively, ungodly men will take the beast’s mark, and their plight will worsen after taking it, mainly because God will send out seven angels, and they’ll have vials of plagues. This prophecy will happen after everyone is marked by Satan or sealed by God.

Furthermore, the plagues will trouble the beasts from Hell, including the ungodly men on this Earth with the mark of the beast. The following few verses illuminate troubles and woes, specifically at ungodly men.

The severe plagues poured out by the first angel are grievous sores and boils, and the sea turning to blood and everything in it killed will be the second plague, and the fountains and the waters turning to blood are the third plague. The fourth angel poured out his vial, and the sun-scorched men with fire, and this is the fourth plague. I believe John the Revelator talks about rivers, oceans, and lakes becoming useless to mankind.

I believe the fifth plague was designed especially for the supernatural abomination of desolation, the prophesized anti-Christ in his physical form, simply because the fifth plague reveals his seat and his kingdom is plagued with darkness.

Furthermore, the inhabitants of his kingdom gnawed their tongues because of the fifth plague. The ungodly men living on this Earth, marked by the beast, blasphemed God simply because of their pain, grievous sores, and the judgment imposed on them.

The book of Revelation tells us they repented not of their ungodly deeds because they hate God and hate being told they are required to live by His commandments. I am confident the dictators and whosoever have sowed corruption will die a horrible death.

The sixth plague dries up the Euphrates River so the kings of the east could trouble Jerusalem. The seventh plague poured into the air, producing an audible voice from the temple of Heaven has a message saying their wrath was done.

However, after the seven angels pour out the seven plagues, my supernatural God steps into the picture and begins doing His long-awaited recompense. I believe because of unfaithfulness to Him and the Jewish people, Rome is where He starts with personal compensation, and I am sure Rome will not be standing when He’s finished.

Furthermore, I am pretty sure the unfaithful whore church, arrayed in purple and scarlet, will not be spared from His wrath. After that, He’ll turn His attention to the abomination of desolation standing in Jerusalem, but that’s another story.



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