Indeed, identifying Heavenly creations isn’t something we are accustomed to doing. Because of the complexity of identification, most people will not try to identify important last-day signs and prophesized events, and a mystery will always be a mystery until we accomplish understanding.

Positively, gaining understanding isn’t easy for us Earthlings to accomplish since we have limited knowledge concerning the kingdom of God. The golden altar is one of those Heavenly mysteries not completely revealed, and we’ll have to form an assumption regarding its identity.

The Bible mentions another altar in Heaven, which may be the same as the golden altar, simply because some Heavenly things have multiple names. Truly, because of the greatness of one altar, I cannot imagine why the temple of God in Heaven has more than one altar.

This truth means it’s pretty probable the Great Golden Altar in Heaven and the altar built for the Living Coals Of Fire could be the same, especially since a voice comes from the Golden Altar and the Living Coals Of Fire is alive.

Furthermore, as far as I know, no other Heavenly altars are mentioned in the Bible. Although we have limited information concerning the divine creations of the Lord, His altar on the mountain of God is one of those restricted information things.

Indeed, after we realize voice commands come from an altar in Heaven, it’s easy to conclude the altar must be great. The following revealing scripture entwines the Golden Altar to the four angels bound in the Euphrates River.

Revelation 9:14 A voice from the four horns of the Golden Altar (which is probably where the Living Coals of Fire call home) commanded,

Revelation 9:14 says to the sixth angel, which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels bound in the great Euphrates.

These four mighty angels that an angel released from the Euphrates River are prophesized to prepare a two hundred thousand man army on horses. They are warrior angels and intend to destroy one-third of ungodly men and women and heathen nations.

Please keep in mind these fierce warrior beasts with heads of lions and mouths able to issue fire and brimstone and the four angels from the Euphrates River are released on this Earth by the command of a voice from the Golden Altar of God.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, our Bible doesn’t say that the Golden Altar of God is located on the mountain of God and inside the beautiful temple of God. However, I am confident the specialness of the Golden Altar exceeds our wildest imagination, and being located inside the temple of God seems a fitting place for it to be among all the temple residents.

Furthermore, if the mysterious Golden Altar of God is inside the sacred temple of God and located on the holy mountain of God. Then it’s highly probable that the Golden Altar of God and the altar having the Living Coals of Fire are the same altars.

Therefore, it’s easy to conclude the reference to one altar inside the temple of God is the same as the other. Truly, to a great degree of probability, the sacred and holy altar is most likely the home of the incredible Holy Ghost that lives inside the temple of Heaven.

All the Christian altars on this Earth have a supernatural connection to the Golden Altar in the temple of God. This truth means when men and women pray before the altars of God on this Earth, their prayers go up to Heaven, before the golden altar of God.

Positively, God’s holy and sacred temple is the center point of business concerning most decisions God makes. The great temple of God on the mountain of God is where He located His throne, which indicates an extraordinary place no other location in the universe can equal.

Furthermore, it’s also where the Living Coals of Fire are living, not known to burn to the touch. I want you to know the Living Coals of Fire aren’t the same as the coals of fire we are familiar with on this Earth because the unique energy of the Living Coals of Fire exceeds the power of any energy known to us.

Furthermore, even from the beginning until the end of time, the Living Coals of Fire will live continually on the altar of God and inside the temple of God in Heaven. I am sure the altar of God is their permanent home, and no other place would be fitting for them.

It’s for sure the extraordinary and supernatural Living Coals of Fire that live on the altar of God have other great names of identification. The other great names are the Essence Of Pure Energy, the Spark Of Life, the God Element, the Breath Of Life, or the Holy Ghost.

Furthermore, the great Golden Altar and the altar where the Living Coals of Fire live are the centerpieces of attention in the temple of God. I am sure it’s a pleasure for all the hosts in Heaven to gather around the altar and witness all the wonders they accomplish and various creations.

The temple on the mountain of God is a worship location and the business center where the holy ones and the council in Heaven gather, and within the sacred temple, they accomplish all the righteous desires inside God’s heart. All the living creations we observe mean that many creatures of all different types come into existence in the holy temple of God.

Revelation 9:14 says a voice from the four horns of the Golden Altar of God spoke to the sixth angel.

The voice from the four horns indicates a divine creation is speaking from within the Golden Altar of God. As for myself, I assume it was the Holy Ghost speaking. Especially since I believe the home of the Holy Ghost is on the altar of God, and speaking from the four horns wouldn’t be unusual.

Our excellent Bible doesn’t say one way or another, but I believe the Living Coals of Fire are powerful living substances. I think the powerful Living Coals of Fire can think for themselves, and their mind has a connection to the mind of the God of creation.

I am sure the Living Coals of Fire is a great supernatural substance, more significant than all other substances, and our superior Creator God, the compassionate Son of God, and the wonderful Holy Ghost were entirely formed from them.

I guarantee that the Golden Altar of God inside the temple of God on the mountain of Yehovah is unique in more ways than we can imagine since seriously important commands concerning future things coming onto this Earth are commanded from the Golden Altar.

I am one hundred percent sure; the voice commanding the release of the four angels comes from a superior creation, powerful and supernatural and alive. It’s pretty obvious; the supernatural creation giving commands is located inside the temple of God.

Furthermore, the four supernatural angels commanded to do destruction on the ungodly part of humankind. Their command comes from the Golden Altar of God, located inside the temple of God. Indeed, from the realms of Heaven, angels on this Earth are commanded to do the will of God.

Therefore, similarly, it’s like saying it’s the voice of God that commands the four angels to be released from the Euphrates River. However, regardless of who’s voice is heard from the Golden Altar, I want you to know the voice from the Golden Altar is doing the will of God.

Therefore, regardless of what men might believe concerning the four angels loosened from the Euphrates River. They aren’t on this Earth to help the ungodly part of humankind, nor will they be here to serve the wicked abomination of desolation.

Indeed, this look into the future story concerning the prophesized tribulation time is called the Golden Altar. It’s intended to recognize and commemorate the wonderful Holy Ghost and illuminate our understanding of the unusual Golden Altar of God inside the temple of God.

This informative story called The Golden Altar is a brotherly love story between the wonderful Holy Ghost and me. Furthermore, if you believe in my great God of Heaven and Earth, I want you to realize that you and He share the bond of brotherly love.

I appreciate the mysteries He reveals to me, and I want to be the best I can for Him and because I love Him, I do not want to let Him down or be a passive Christian. This truth means these Bible stories I write need to be the best they can be to meet the approval of the Holy Ghost.

This story is an example of what I gladly do for the glory of God, and this teaching story is dedicated to the beautiful Holy Ghost. For the glory of God, this story is designed to recognize the mysterious Golden Altar of God and the excellent Living Coals of Fire.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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