The Eye Of The Needle is a metaphorical story that hovers between the literal and the symbolic, similar to a mighty ghost guardian angel. I assure you, the Infallible eye of the needle works in conjunction with the required word of God, and both the needle and Him see things the same. 

The seriousness of this story reveals that the needle’s righteous eye distinguishes between the hot and the cold and the lukewarm. The word of God assures us the temperature of anything must be hot before it passes through the watchful eye of the needle.

Honestly, because the needle’s eye is perfectly fair, it doesn’t recognize race, color, or gender. However, the eye of the needle sees everything, looks deep through the exterior of the flesh and deep inside the heart, and reads every word we are thinking. 

I guarantee you that the righteous eye of the needle has a long history, and it’s been around since the beginning of time. I am confident that the Eye of the Needle has established itself from the Ancient of Days and has an immortal lifespan. 

I want you to know that the righteous eye of the needle entwines with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and the Eye of the Needle has roots in every living thing, especially in every person alive, hoping to live in His peaceful kingdom.

I am sure equal rights weren’t as complicated as they are now as they were in Ancient Days. However, thanks to God’s guidance, the needle’s incredible eye distinguishes between necessary equal rights and fabricated rights. 

I assure you the eye of the needle is never wrong, and it doesn’t change its point of view the way some men do, and I want you to know that the eye of the needle puts godliness and righteousness first. For this reason, the Judgement Scales of God are called the Eye of the Needle.  

Indeed, to uphold godliness, all of us should emulate the eye of the needle. Positively, because it’s entwined with God’s will, the needle’s righteous eye is perfect. Because it’s God’s right arm, it doesn’t allow ungodliness and unrighteousness to pass through its narrow filtering process of scrutiny. 

The eye of the needle is similar to the right hand of God, and it’s stronger than iron. It has power over life and death, and passing through the needle extends life, but not getting through the Eye of the Needle means death to the soul.

Conclusively, to preserve peace in Heaven, the eye of the needle keeps out the camels and lets through the sheep, and it’s never wrong concerning identity. Furthermore, you and I symbolize a camel or a sheep, and I hope and pray we are the sheep. 

The righteous eye of the needle divides two kinds of people, and the needle’s eye stands in front of you, me, and everyone else. I want you to know that only people in love with the beautiful word of God can pass through the eye of the needle.

The eye of the needle is the strong hand of God between an ungodly rebellious place and an orderly place. The Eye of the Needle will ensure the same type of people go to the same place. 

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, because of its righteous design and ability to judge character, the powerful and righteous eye of the needle will eventually establish a peaceful world similar to the realms of Heaven. Indeed, when the beautiful Son of God returns, the natural order of things will coincide with God’s stipulated things. 

The eye of the needle has one Master and one kingdom specially designed for whoever can fit through the eye of the needle. I hope and pray that you’ll go through the eye of the needle and become a happy resident in His specially designed-kingdom. 

Bible story writer, Paul Douglas Castle

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