Four powerful supernatural Heavenly creations are described in the Bible and receive more attention than any other Heavenly creation. Truly, within the last two stories, I’ve described the appearance of Lucifer and the way his body was made from every precious metal and jewel.

However, within this explanation story, I will describe the appearance of the Son of God, alias Yeshua. I assure you, He wasn’t inferior to any other angel in Heaven, not even in comparison to beauty, wisdom, or anything else.

As for Lucifer, he wouldn’t be as grand and powerful as he is now if he hadn’t walked up and down within the midst of the Coals of Fire. The beauty of Lucifer, with his body made of animated precious metals and jewels, is child art compared to Yeshua’s beauty.

The description I am about to describe to you is the wonderful Son of God in all His beautiful glory. But as He looks in Heaven, not as He looked as the man in the flesh, called Jesus. Therefore, I will explain so you’ll get a glimpse of the image of the Son of God.

As for myself, I believe His appearance is more spectacular than the appearance of Lucifer. The excellent Son of God, alias Yeshua, was probably the other heavenly creation who guarded the mercy seat of God inside the temple of God.

Truly, the mercy seat is thought of in various ways, but it’s the throne of God, and mercy is administered from the mercy seat, the throne of God. Truly, when the scriptures say Two Cherubim guarded the mercy seat, please remember that Cherubim’s are guardian angels.

The corrupt and devious Lucifer and the obedient Yeshua were the guardian angels in the temple of Heaven, upon the mountain of God. Maybe they were the guardian angels before the Cherubims were appointed their guardian position.

Anyway, only one guardian angel stood the test of time, and He resisted the temptation to steal from God, but it wasn’t Lucifer. It was Yeshua, and He was a loyal and obedient Heavenly creation. He has a noble position in Heaven, and He’s called the loyal Son of God.

The spectacular appearance I will describe of Yeshua is subject to change anytime, whenever He wants His image to change. Mainly because the supernatural Son of God has the power of transformation; another word for transformation is shape-shifting.

I assure you, Yeshua can look as human as the rest of us if He wants to mingle undetected. However, the next description of Him illustrates one of His heavenly appearances: the appearance of our spectacular and supernatural Son of God when He’s not the Lamb of God.

It’s a spectacular appearance, clothed with a garment down to His foot, and wrapped around His chest is a golden girdle. His head and hair are white as snow, and His eyes are as flames of fire. Undoubtedly, His great strength exceeds the strength of Lucifer.

Truly, His feet are like unto fine brass as if burnt in a hot furnace, and His voice, as the sound of rushing waters. Out of His mouth went a twoedged sword, and the next time we see Him, He’ll be a fierce warrior instead of a gentle Lamb.

Positively, His countenance (which means His visual looks) was the sun shining in His strength, and the pureness of anything isn’t as pure as Him. Possibly, He’ll be the only heavenly creation, besides our Great God, powerful enough to conquer the wicked Serpent of Old.

Upon the holy mountain of God, inside the beautiful temple of God, these two spectacular heavenly creations, supernatural and incredible, guarded the beautiful throne of God. I am certain Lucifer and the Son of God were an exceedingly powerful force in Heaven.

However, the progression of time divides the good from the bad, and hindsight proves that the loyal Son of God was trustworthy and guarded God’s throne better than the jealous and wicked Lucifer.

Therefore, since my analogy is made from the knowledge of hindsight and bits and pieces throughout the Bible, I only know some information about the time before the angel rebellion, including the time after the angel rebellion.

Indeed, I will have to assume since I put my faith and trust in Yeshua, the obedient Son of God had to guard the throne of God, the Living Coals of Fire, and the mountain of God from the jealous Lucifer when our Supreme God was absent from Heaven.

During the absence of God, I believe, the jealous Lucifer would’ve secretly seated himself in the seat of the sapphire throne of God. Maybe he would’ve declared himself king in Heaven if it were up to him and he didn’t have opposition from loyal angels.

However, being King in Heaven was not up to Lucifer, and his strongest opposition was the loyal Son of God. I am certain the wonderful Son of God continually guarded the throne belonging to His Father, Yehovah.

Positively, the corridors of time reveal one Loyal Guardian Angel had to oppose the other guardian angel, who wasn’t loyal. This belief means the loyal Son of God had to protect God’s throne, the Living Coals of Fire, and the mountain of God from Lucifer.

The excellent Son of God had to protect all of them from the other guardian angel, Lucifer, the Image of Jealousy. It’s easy to conclude that the Son of God had a challenge on His hands because the image of jealousy wanted the things that belonged to God.

Therefore, the opposition between the Son of God and Lucifer began in Heaven, and there has been a war between them ever since. Their opposition most likely started over the throne of God and the Living Coals of Fire, who live upon God’s altar.

Furthermore, I present an analogy as we walk through this life in the flesh, void of our memory in Heaven. Surely, it could be a true analogy, or at the least, something to consider concerning us and the corridors of time.

The believers in Christ, automatically drawn to Him, are most likely the reincarnation of good angels born through a woman’s womb, and they are the people Lucifer wants to corrupt while they are present in the flesh.

I am certain Lucifer doesn’t miss any opportunities to corrupt anyone who supports God, the Son of God, and the Holy Ghost. Mostly because the Serpent of Old still wants the throne of God, and he still wants to control the Living Coals of Fire.

Surely, the raging war between good and evil will not cease until the Son of God destroys Lucifer, the other guardian angel. Therefore, let’s hope the Son of God returns soon and restores peace to this Earth by destroying Lucifer and his children of darkness.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer


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