Now, after I’ve described the appearance of Lucifer and the appearance of the Son of God and given you an insight concerning their duties in Heaven and their type of character, and because we are thankful, we should put a difference between the holy and the unholy and the caring and the uncaring.

Next, I shall describe the appearance of our wonderful and extremely spectacular Most High God. By the time I am finished describing Him, I believe you’ll come to a conclusion and consider Him an incredible God.

During the time of Ezekiel, written in the Old Testament, our Supreme Supernatural God came down from Heaven in a whirlwind on fire to visit Ezekiel. The scriptures tell us the loyal prophet Ezekiel saw Him and beheld the appearance of fire.

            Fire from His loins downward, and fire from His loins upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the color of amber. I can only imagine that the Living Coals of Fire, who reside on the beautiful altar of God, are the appearance of fire and the color of amber.

I believe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are completely formed from the Living Coals of Fire. Indeed, I believe Lucifer wanted to absorb as much energy from the Living Coals of Fire as possible and be like God.

However, I want to point out a fact, and I am telling you, do not assume or wrongly believe; the above description is the only appearance the Son of God and our Most High God have in their wardrobe of appearances simply because they are unlimited and taking on a new appearance is easy for them to do.

I want you to know that the wonderful and honorable Son of God and His great Father have power exceeding the boundaries of reality. I guarantee that their accomplishments on this Earth only reveal a glimpse of their actual supernatural power.

Therefore, I am telling you that Yeshua and our Supreme God can change their appearances anytime they choose to change. I want you to realize as hard as it is to conceive, they exceed the boundaries of our imagination.

I assure you the excellent Son of God and our incredible Supreme God are so out of the ordinary and capable of doing anything. They can change or transform their appearances to look like the image of a man or woman if they choose to appear that way.

For example, I believe our Supreme Supernatural God changed into the image of a man when He visited His friend, Abraham. His appearance change happened right before He destroyed the homosexual cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, guilty of being filled with the violent homosexual children of Lucifer.

Even now, after thousands of years, it’s easy to believe that some men talk to angels, the Son of God, and God Himself, and they aren’t aware of it. Because an appearance is what the eyes behold, a stranger could be an undetectable visitor from Heaven.

Indeed, a God able to make material objects animated and alive can change His appearance anytime He wants to look differently. But Yehovah, in all His glory, has the appearance and the image of fire, and please realize it’s not the kind of fire capable of burning the things He touches.

The fiery appearance of God is likened to the fiery appearance of the Living Coals of Fire, and the Living Coals of Fire lives on the altar of God, inside the temple of God, and His temple is the most spectacular place in Heaven.

Although their forms may have different appearances occasionally, the Living Coals of Fire can be Cloven Tongues on Fire. Exactly the way, the Cloven Tongues on Fire came from the Heavens above and visited the Pentecost Revival.

Indeed, the incredible Living Coals of Fire have transformable abilities and can be any appearance they choose. But our Father’s image in Heaven portrays their natural appearance.

Because our Father in Heaven may be formed completely from the Living Coals of Fire, and nothing else in Heaven needs to be guarded and protected from thieves except for the wonderful Living Coals of Fire.

This explanation story concerning my great God is called The Appearance of Yehovah. It entwines amazing miracles, unexplainable supernatural accomplishments, and the ability to shapeshift and the Living Coals of Fire.

I assure you my incredible Supreme God is amazing beyond comprehension, and He’s entwined with everything mentioned above, regardless of His appearance. Maybe He walks among us all the time, and we do not know it, and it would be an honor to discuss many unknown mysteries with Him.

Bible story writer

Paul Douglas Castle

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