Hello to everyone who reads this book. I am Paul Douglas Castle, a Bible story writer for eighteen years, and I love my work. During these eighteen years, I was solitary, with one purpose to accomplish, like a happy turtle hiding inside his shell, content to live alone and create the grandest stories the world has ever seen. I thought my life would end this way, and I could keep writing Bible stories until my eyes were too dim to see the keyboard or my fingers too frail to type.

However, every day is a new mystery, and what’s unexpected and waiting around the corner is hidden until the mystery hits us, like the sky falling on our heads or a messenger from Heaven telling us life is turning a corner. A new world awaits us; if you and I are ready, we must accept our adventure and step through the door. As for me, I could’ve been a rabbit and stayed inside the shell and not stepped through the door, and I wouldn’t missed the happiest moment in my life.

Staying inside my shell was one of my choices at the fiftieth-year class reunion, and I could’ve sat at my table all night long and not asked any woman to dance. I could’ve justified this solitary man’s decision by saying; I am sixty-eight years old and too old to have fun or be interested in a woman. However, the music was playing, the colorful lights flashed, and there was a warm feeling between all my classmates. Even though my heart was concrete, one particular woman walked by, and my heart started dancing inside my chest. It was a feeling I didn’t expect to feel since I love the comfort of my shell, but the concrete surrounding my heart started crumbling.

Her name is Kathy Sue, the prettiest girl I’d ever seen, and we slow danced every song the band played that night. I don’t know how or why, but from the beginning of our friendship, we’ve felt like we’ve known each other forever. Thanks to God, our hearts are happy when we are together, and we feel younger. During our friendship, I learned love isn’t exclusively for the young person, and anyone, regardless of age, can fall in love for reasons other than lust.

Since our first day of togetherness, we have seen each other as often as possible, and we still slowly dance to a love song. Truly, when we hug and kiss, our hearts are as excited as the first time, and I am happy to tell you that meeting Kathy has increased the excitement in my life. If I hadn’t turned the corner and walked through the door, I wouldn’t have known I could have a wonderful relationship and fall deeply in love with a beautiful woman. Furthermore, if the door opens in your life, and you are given the chance to love again, I advise you not to be a rabbit but to walk through the door and make the best of your golden years. Yes, I still write Bible stories, and sometimes, when we are alone and the house is quiet, I read them to Kathy Sue.

Indeed, suppose this book accomplishes one thing. In that case, I hope it inspires older people not to waste their lives away on the couch or spend all day swinging on the front porch, rocking back and forth in the chair, especially if they can walk through the door and fall in love again. I want to tell you that love is a powerful emotion, and sharing love with someone makes the heart happier. I am glad to say Kathy Sue makes my heart happier, and if I could do it over again, I would walk through the door and never look back and love Kathy Sue until my last breath. Paul

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer



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