Within this concerning story, Should I Leave, Or Should I Stay? It’s based on us listening or not listening to Yeshua, and this story entwines believers and unbelievers. Although I may be expressing too much optimism if I think the unbelievers will listen to Yeshua.

As we look into the future story, it also entwines the rapture theory and flees to the mountain’s advice of Yeshua. However, because of wishful thinking, many Christians believe in the rapture theory so strongly that running to the mountains will not cross their minds.

Furthermore, because everyone doesn’t have the same faith, other people will be here during the great and terrible tribulation. They are called the unbelievers, and the unbelievers, skeptical or blind to His word, will probably not leave the city of Jerusalem.

Without a doubt, curiosity about the Abomination Of Desolation will cause them to stay in Jerusalem to see what’s happening, and they may wrongly believe aliens from another world are visiting us.

The Son of God says, flee to the mountains. However, understudied men will not know about the advice of Jesus Christ. I do not believe the Son of God expects unsaved people to understand His prophesized warning, which He has written into the scriptures.

Therefore, I believe the all-knowing Son of God is talking to the believers and His loyal saints, not brainwashed by the rapture theory. We can be sure that the caring Son of God is concerned about the saints and gives them His best advice.

The saints are His people, and I am confident He doesn’t want them mingling with the Abomination Of Desolation. However, the confused and unlearned unbelievers who reject His gospel will not understand the urgency of fleeing to the mountains until it’s too late.

It’s for sure this all happens during the great tribulation time after Lucifer and his army of rebellious angels are released from the pits of Hell. Then, the unbelieving people gathered together in Judea and Jerusalem will find out the hard way; curiosity kills the cat, or should I say, the unbelievers.

Anyway, the curiosity gang will not have much time to stand around and be curious, and they’ll be taken captive by the evil army of Lucifer. The demonic army of Lucifer will consist of rebellious angelic creations and God-haters in the flesh.

I assure you; the wicked Lucifer has both kinds of ungodly servants, and everyone not a servant of Lucifer should Flee to the mountains. Yeshua urgently warns men and women not to tarry and not waste any time about getting out of Judea.

Indeed, it’s because of the Beast Dragon, the Abomination Of Desolation, and his army of cruel demons. They’ll inflict great wrath on all the inhabitants of Judea, and because they hate God, they’ll make the holy city of Jerusalem desolate and barren.

Furthermore, believing in the assumed rapture theory could cause many people to make terrible mistakes. They may hang around too long, and they’ll meet the wicked supernatural Lucifer in his physical body face to face.

I assure you the holy city of Jerusalem is a chosen place, and I believe it’s where Lucifer, alias the fallen star from Heaven, will dwell within his physical form for a short while. I think it’s a fitting end of power that Lucifer should fall from glory within Jerusalem.

Lucifer will make his final stand against the Son of God in Jerusalem and may be waiting for Yeshua at the top of Mount Zion. However, the way it happens is irrelevant. Although men in the province of Judea are advised to flee to the mountains, fleeing is relevant.

Jesus urgently tells us to flee to the mountains because the wicked Lucifer returns to this Earth first. However, I guarantee you, our Savior will be the reaper that takes out Lucifer, better known as the Abomination Of Desolation, during the tribulation time. I am sure Lucifer receives a seven-year or forty-two-month head start on the Son of God, alias one of the reapers from Heaven.

Without a doubt, anyone taken first will most likely be victims taken by the Beast Dragon, Hell-bound for the last four thousand years. Indeed, I am sure the Beast Dragon will be crueler than the evil King Herod, the uncompassionate baby killer.

Indeed, this is the main reason the all-knowing Son of God is warning the province of Judea to flee to the mountains. Truly, escaping to the mountains is His good advice to His loyal believers, and keeping them safe is the reason for His guidance.

Positively, fleeing to the mountains means do not expect to escape gravity and float up into the clouds until His return. However, during this tribulation time, anyone knowing about God’s word will abandon the city of Jerusalem.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, anyone not knowing the helpful word of God will stay behind. I am pretty sure they’ll be the victims of Satan’s army and probably die quickly after being abused by demons from Hell.

Therefore, this awareness story, Should I Leave Or Stay, has two different answers for two different types of people: one godly type of people is wise, and the other ungodly type of people is foolish. Truly, during the great tribulation time, the intelligent person knows the prophecy of God.

The two different types of people are the believer and the unbelievers. However, only the wise who believe in Yeshua will abandon Jerusalem and flee to the mountains. Please realize during the great tribulation time, the godly and the ungodly separate from one another.

The believers may not change into spirit creations until Christ returns and adds them to His army of supernatural angels, but rest assured and have confidence. The seal of God will protect His believers until they change into a Christ-like body.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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