This fair-to-everyone story, Equal Love, revolves around the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and their inner emotions. Because we need to know, this story describes how our Creator God feels about all people, and I am glad to say it’s regardless of the nation we live in or our skin color. Equal love means …

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The greater definition of different means we aren’t the same, and if we ask ourselves, why not since all of us are created from the same material? It may be so, but appearances are the greater proof that proves the material we are formed from shapes a different way every time someone is born. If …


God Forbid

What happens when the clouds hide the sun, the rain replaces the sunshine, the wind changes directions, the spark weakens, and the fire burns out? What happens when a man notices a change in a woman he loves, and their relationship fades into a friendship? God forbid this will happen to a man and a …

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