This revealing story concerning us looking for the right way is called Pinpointing Expectations. It gets personal, illuminates God’s highest expectation of us, and His greatest expectation is summed up in two hundred and ninety-five righteous words.

These extremely important two hundred and ninety-five words place a dividing line between righteousness and unrighteousness. I want you to know they are the pinnacle of everything righteous and pinpoint God’s expectations concerning His created children.

If we are created equal in the eyes of God, and He shows no difference of persons, and we are in the driver’s seat of our destiny? If we were His sons in Heaven and knew Him personally before being born on Earth through a woman’s womb?

Then surely, all of us are bound by the same requirements, and we haven’t any special exemptions concerning God-given stipulations. Surely, if the above two sentences are true, I believe they are true, then no favorites are the best way to portray us all.

This impartial story, requiring our full attention, is called Pinpointing Expectations. It portrays our Creator God as a fair and righteous Judge, not swayed by color or gender. But I want you to know He’s extremely serious about you and me keeping His requirements.

This impartial story illustrates the expectations of God, and they are the same for everyone who lives on this Earth. I assure you that granting personal favors to certain people isn’t a part of His selection process, and God will treat us equally if we love Him.

However, I want you to realize that commandment keeping and love for the wonderful gospel of God are a special part of His selection process, and I guarantee you these two important requirements reveal His expectations.

The excellent and wonderful Bible, entwined with all its wonderful scriptures, is designed to point men toward righteousness, and living righteous pinpoints His expectation of us. Surely, you and I should be glad to live a righteous lifestyle and be able to claim a promised home in His Kingdom.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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