This enlightenment story, Personal Recompense, reveals a judgment God has reserved for Him to do, and it’s a long-awaited recompense. This personal recompense story reveals God waiting until the end of days before He destroys an ungodly nation and a rich church He despises.

Indeed, nature shows her anger after the seven angels pour out their vials of wrath on all the ungodly people who have the mark of the beast during the great tribulation time. Thunder, lightning, and a great earthquake happen on this Earth, mightier than any other one in the history of humankind.

Bible scriptures reveal the great earthquake will divide the great city of Rome into three parts, and Babylon the great came into remembrance before God. Certainly, we’ve been told vengeance belongs to God, and the whore church means the unfaithful church will experience the vengeance of God.

This exposure story is called personal recompense for one specific reason, and the word personal illustrates Him reserving a special privilege for Himself. This story is called personal recompense because God decides to give Rome the fierceness of His wrath.

The phrase fierceness of His wrath coincides with the same kind of wrath He gave to Sodom and Gomorrah, but not in exactness. However, hailstones weighing about one hundred pounds each fall from Heaven, and they’ll pound Rome, and the plague will be exceedingly great.

Furthermore, the great and beautiful church of Rome, riddled with uncleanness and homosexuality, child molestation, and guilty of committing spiritual fornication with the ungodly kings of this Earth, God will reduce to rubble.

After that, the beast who ascended out of the bottomless pit with which the Earth’s kings have an alliance will make war with the Lamb, His chosen and faithful followers, and whosoever despises ungodliness and has the seal of God on or inside their forehead.

However, the Lamb defeats the abomination of desolation, and all the residents in Heaven rejoice. They say alleluia, salvation and glory, and honor and power unto the Lord thy God. With much gladness, I will rejoice, I conclude removing the abomination of desolation removes spiritual darkness.

The following awareness scripture reveals how the believers in righteousness feel about the judgments of their great Creator God. I am sure all believers in righteousness will be glad to see evil erased from existence and the tempter of sin destroyed.

Revelation 19:2 For true and righteous are His judgments: For He hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the Earth with her fornication (means false doctrines),

Revelation 19:2 and He hath avenged the blood of His servants (means His Son, and the prophets, and all His servants killed) at her hands.

Afterward, the marriage supper of the Lamb comes, and the living church of God is married to the bridegroom. Indeed, this truth means you and I better watch for His return and keep our lamp full of oil. This truth means we better stay faithful to our Creator God, the great Judge of humanity.

However, everyone guilty of having the mark of the beast is the enemy of God, and the judgment sword of the Lord kills them. A feast of flesh takes place as the fowls of the air clean up this Earth, and this event is called the supper of the great God, specifically for the fowls of the air.     

Then, an angel with a great chain in his hand takes hold of the wicked devil, and for the saints’ good, the angel binds the trouble-making Lucifer in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. After fighting and losing the tribulation battle, the evil Lucifer is held captive for one last battle.

Therefore, Satan, alias the Serpent Of Old, will not deceive the nations again until the thousand years have expired. Even then, he’ll only have a short while to recruit followers, and he and his followers will meet their end by fire coming down from Heaven.

They’ll be devoured in the same manner as the ungodly people of Sodom and Gomorrah were consumed by fire. During this last cleansing of the Earth, wicked men and women will not be saved from the fire, as none of them were delivered from wrath in Sodom and Gomorrah.

This personal to my God story, Personal Recompense, is all about end-time wrath and brings the Book Of Life into remembrance. The Bible tells us whoever does not have their name written in it will be cast into the burning lake of fire with Lucifer.

The lake of fire is the second death, and no one returns from the second death or the lake of fire. After the second death, thanks to God, this world will revert to law and order, and everyone left behind will gladly live by the Ten Commandments of God.

Furthermore, in many ways, we can expect this place called Earth to emulate the Garden of God at Eden because the Son of God returns peace to the Earth. As for now peace on Earth is a dream we haven’t seen since Lucifer beguiled Eve in the Garden of God.

However, pray for His second return; your prayer will be answered when very few are waiting and watching. Please be ready.



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