Kathy Sue, Kathy Sue, thy fair maiden on yonder balcony, the smile on your face shines brighter than the moon, and the twinkle in your eyes more radiant than the stars, and I am a man captured by your beauty and wild horses cannot move me from where I stand.

Kathy Sue, Kathy Sue, so close yet so far apart, and while I stand at the bottom of the balcony, I hear a voice speaking from my heart; it’s telling me worlds apart will not stop me from holding you in my arms, and when my dream comes true I’ll be holding you.

Kathy Sue, Kathy Sue, the wall is high and sheer, and I am standing here looking up, and I see a star in the sky illuminating the girl I love. The happiness of seeing you is great, yet I am sad; I cannot grow wings and fly to where you are on the balcony.

Kathy Sue, Kathy Sue, how long will I stand here, and how much pain can I endure? The night is long, and the ground is cold, and shall I wait the night away? I say yes, I will wait forever for you. Kathy Sue, Kathy Sue, if I die in the cold of the night, it will be because I wish to glimpse you.

Kathy Sue, Kathy Sue, so beautiful and fair; even though I’ve never held you in my arms and felt your warmth next to me, I will dream of your lips touching my lips. Hopefully, when the morning comes, you’ll step onto the balcony and tell me, Paul, Paul, if you love me, enter the house, hold me close, and never leave. Paul

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