Within this told a straight-up story called No Curveball, the Son of God is the pitcher man, and the game revolves around Him and His truthful word. Within this declaration story called No Curveball, He explains the subject being talked about in straight-up and easy-to-understand words.

However, if I twist the message in this need-to-understand story, it’ll be like throwing a curveball, and a curveball isn’t exactly the truth. This statement means a curveball is an on-purpose lie, and a lie will twist the glorious word of God and present the word of God the wrong way.

A curveball is the same as lying to someone, lying to ourselves, or purposely overlooking the requirements of God. However, if I throw you a straight ball across the center of the plate, it means I’ve told you the truth based on the written word of God.

For an example of a straight ball, I am telling you the gift of salvation isn’t completely free, and the gift comes with a requirement. We must love the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and His perfect and excellent Ten Commandments and believe in their divinity.

Indeed, any other strategy for the gift of salvation is a curveball, and throwing a curveball might be considered a forfeit of requirements. Furthermore, we can say we have a personal relationship with our Savior, and we can say we know Him well, but do we know Him well enough to know the values He represents?

I want you to know that saying we have a personal relationship with our Creator God and telling others we know Him well isn’t proof of the truth. For these reasons, the following few scriptures illuminate the requirements for knowing our Savior.

I assure you the excellent Son of God doesn’t throw a curveball, and the following few scriptures are the truth told straight. I guarantee the Son of God only throws straight balls, and no man can authentically deny His word or say it isn’t the gospel truth.

The following absolute scripture is all about loving our Savior, and specific requirements come attached to the proof of love. Truly, the next statement explains the foundation of our relationship with them. If we love the Son of God, God, and the Holy Ghost, we’ll try hard to be loyal commandment keepers.

John 14:15 If you love Me (the Son of God), keep My commandments.

2 John 1:6 And this is love, that we walk after His commandments;

2 John 1:6 This is the commandment you have heard from the beginning; you should walk in it.

Indeed, the above scripture says Love for our Savior is proven true by loving and keeping His commandments, and our degree of love for God parallels our degree of love for His commandments. I must tell you His commandments are a beautiful work of art and the pinnacle of our duty to God.

The following scripture is a revelation to everyone in total directness and throws no curveballs. However, it’s a hard fastball and thrown straight across the plate, and the choices we make in conjunction with the following scripture will result in a home run or a strikeout.

1 John 2:4 He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth, not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

Positively, the above declaration scripture reveals the straight-thrown ball importance of keeping His commandments, and because of these scriptures written in the book of John, it’s easy to conclude the majority of this world doesn’t love our Savior.

1 John 3:24 And He that keepeth His commandments dwelleth (means lives) in Him, and He (Jesus) in him.

First John and second John are the writings of the loyal Apostle John. John was a straight talker, similar to the outstanding Son of God, and John didn’t throw curveballs. However, the Apostle John did tell the truth straight up and didn’t sugarcoat or water down the truth in any of his messages.

This truth means we must take his words extremely seriously if we want to be close to our divine Savior and not be identified as a liar by the word of God. I guarantee you John attaches the same importance to commandment-keeping as my great God.

1 John 3:24 And here-by (means the way) we know that He abideth (means lives) in us, by the Spirit (means through the Holy Spirit) which He hath given us.

1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments: And His commandments are not grievous (means not burdensome).

The above scriptures are spoken by the Son of God and the Apostle John, revealing many definitions for our enlightenment. They want us to know that God’s commandments aren’t burdensome if we love the word of God and love for Him and commandment obedience entwine together in perfect harmony.

However, everyone doesn’t love the infallible and righteousness of God, and the beautiful commandments of God are burdensome to anyone if they love to dabble in sin and live unrestrained because all sin interferes with commandment-keeping.

In this straight-ball story based on God’s word, God is the referee and the scorekeeper. However, I want to warn you that this is a serious metaphor story with no curveballs included. We can step up to the plate or hide in the dugout, which means straight shooters are men and women of God, and whoever throws curveballs is indifferent to the truth.

However, our requirement to love the commandments of God doesn’t change from generation to generation. Furthermore, I want you to know the Spirit of God is choosy, and He chooses to abide in whosoever loves the word of God.

Indeed, this meaningful story, I am calling No Curveballs. It’s a straight-up story specifically meant to reveal the requirements for knowing God. We cannot wake up some morning and say; I know God unless we are commandment keepers.

Furthermore, the hot and on-fire Apostle called John reveals the requirements for knowing God in perfect simplicity, and the requirements for knowing God are so simple, we cannot misunderstand them. Indeed, after our conversion to Christianity, we can start working on the formula for knowing God.

However, I want you to know that knowing God isn’t the exact requirement for being saved. Because the requirements for being saved are to believe in His name and believe He arose from the grave.

Therefore, I want you to realize that getting to know Him personally will require more than just believing He’s the Son of God. I assure you that we shouldn’t confuse one set of requirements with the other.

However, many Christians get confused about the two sets of requirements, and many believe being saved fulfills both requirements, and it doesn’t. I hope you’ll get to know Him well and refuse to throw curveballs. Furthermore, whoever tells you and me the Ten Commandments of God were nailed to the cross is throwing a curveball.

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