I am the sole writer and creative story designer of nine published books, and for the benefit of higher learning, they consist of five hundred and twenty-nine individual bible stories. Because the Potter Man in Heaven directs my thoughts, they are rare and unique stories, not many writers will write about.

However, I’ve written another twenty-three books, amounting to over one million and five hundred thousand words. And all together, they have one thousand individual stories. But they aren’t ready yet, and it will take me a while to get them ready.

I assure you, no one else is privileged to do any writing for me, and I wouldn’t want anyone else to write my stories. I am glad to say all my stories are created from my studies and thoughts, and I am quite certain my inspiration person is the beautiful Holy Ghost of God.

Too many times, famous and rich people want a book to call their own, and they hire someone to do their writing for them, then they call the finished work their work. But it doesn’t seem right, or exactly correct, to call a book your own if someone else writes it for you.

Especially if the hired writer uses their designed words to portray the book’s contents and writes a style different from the storyteller’s before we can honestly claim total ownership. I’ll always believe the author must express the analogies and events in his own words before he can be called the writer.

Indeed, the thoughts and words being expressed aren’t the full expressions of the man who hires someone else to do his writing for him. Truly, I am trying to say that every word being expressed needs to be expressed by the person calling himself the author of his book.

Furthermore, I want you to know it takes a lot of words to create a book, and if you give someone else information, you let them express it in their words and from their point of view; then I ask you, who is the author? Is it the person expressing the story who relays the information in the book, and can the person revealing the story to a hired author call it their book?

Indeed, it seems to be cheating if we let someone else express our words for us and write our story in a manner different from our own. If we make this compromise, I believe the author’s personality will be mixed with the writer’s thoughts and choice of words.

I suppose everyone has a different point of view concerning what’s right and wrong and acceptable and unacceptable. However, I have to say a hired writer cannot express our words as accurately as we can express the meaning and portrayal of the subject being written.

Indeed, many people hire a professional writer and let him write them an eloquent book, and it appears that the person doing the hiring is the eloquent writer since it’s their name on the book. However, the only accurate word able to describe such doings is deception.

Simply because we must be the writer before the book can portray our expressions, and using another person’s skills means it’s wrong if we put our name on a literary work someone else wrote for us. But this sort of thing always happens, even if someone other than the author writes the book.

Furthermore, how can anyone receive satisfaction and feel good about a finished work if they put their name on someone else’s writing? Especially when the storyteller knows it’s someone else’s interpretation of our expression being written.

I want you to know that these rare and unusual books and all the Bible stories I write are my words only, and they are my exciting journey and my Odyssey through the excellent word of God. I assure you every word written in my books accurately represents my story and style and not someone else’s.

These revealing books and all the Bible stories I write are my accomplishments against the powers of darkness and the evil spirit god of this world. I have much to say about these seriously important subjects in my book, and I want them fully told to enhance understanding.

Furthermore, I assure you, because Satan is a fearsome warrior against Bible knowledge, it takes a strong determination to write the Bible stories I write, and only a few people will ever succeed. The prince of darkness, who rules this world, is against the Bible stories I write, and he opposes me and my love for God.

This truth means the demon spirits of the air are the same devils guilty of opposing God in Heaven, and during the first earth age, before the great cleansing flood, they have the power of telepathy and know who their enemy is in the flesh. Truly, I assure you they oppose anyone, during any Earth age, who does the works of God.

Furthermore, the perfect ways of God and the prize of immortality are the most important gifts we can secure on this Earth. But since the righteous ways of God and the prize of immortality aren’t given much consideration by most people living on this Earth.

It proves the spirits of the air, who have the power of telepathy, will stop many good teachings from being accomplished on this Earth. I assure you, these demonic spirits successfully steer many people away from the perfect ways of God and the grand prize of immortality.

Therefore, as I do, important works are meant to spread the gospel of God on the highways and byways and to everyone interested. It’s a hard task for any person to accomplish, and it’s a battle against demon spirits only a few men will overcome and make a difference.

Simply because, for one reason or another, most Christians cannot overcome the demon spirits of the air and their most powerful weapon, called the power of telepathy. Sadly, because of the power of telepathy, men and women cannot fulfill the need in this world to increase Bible knowledge. Proudly, I guarantee the works I do to enhance the gospel of God anger the demonic spirits of the air.

Indeed, with the help of the wonderful Holy Ghost, I’ve managed to resist the demon spirits of the air and their anti-godly power of telepathy. Truly, because my living temple is clean and I fight against their influence, I can give this world these extremely unusual Bible stories.

I assure you, my God-inspired Odyssey isn’t different from the Odyssey of Odysseus, who struggled against the gods of the sea, the air, and the underworld spirits. Except for the fact my Odyssey is real and not fiction, and it has a holy purpose to accomplish.

Furthermore, a movie is for entertainment, and I guarantee that my Odyssey is much more important to mankind than the fictional Odyssey of Odysseus. Indeed, this is my destiny, and my stories are not for entertainment but are written to save souls. Maybe the stories I write are why I am here and now at this particular timeline in the history of mankind.

However, whether this is my destiny or not, my struggle against the wicked prince of this world ends when my spirit separates from the flesh. When it’s over, I hope to go home with the blessings of my Father, Yehovah, and I will be proud to stand before God and say; I’ve tried to complement your works.

Positively, until my going home day comes, I’ll not change what I am doing, and I’ll continue to wrestle against principalities, evil powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Because I love the God of creation and His Ten Commandments, I will live the rest of my life trying to teach men about God.

Furthermore, when I leave this world, I will travel onward to be with my wonderful Creator God. I want you to know that the work I leave behind will be my testimony, and my works will prove I stood strong for the word of God and fought against the evil prince of the air.

I want you to realize because you’ll fight spiritual battles, too, the wicked prince of the air is the ghost god of this world. The wicked ghost god is Lucifer, the evil and devious Serpent of Old, who was physically here on this Earth before the great cleansing flood.

In my books, these extremely unusual and one-of-a-kind stories are meant to teach and expose many important subjects to believers in Christ. I can sincerely say that my type of stories reveals why I’ve been chosen to write Bible stories uniquely different from mainstream stories.

The unusual and serious Bible stories I write break the boundaries between light and darkness, Bible illiteracy, great knowledge, and spiritual blindness; maybe, because of my effort, some people will be inspired to love God and live by His commanded ways forever.

Many of my Bible stories differ from regular mainstream stories; they venture into the unknown realms. But my Odyssey and my ongoing battle against the evil ghost spirits of this world isn’t anything new, not since the great flood receded four thousand years ago.

Positively, my Odyssey is nearly the same, or at the least, similar to the same Odyssey, and the same battle every professing Christian fights to win the prize of immortality. I want you to know we must be loyal and dedicated to the word of God before we can be effective warriors for God.

Indeed, I advise you to fight the hounds of Hell and not let them take your soul through trickery and deception. Mainly because a child of God will receive good rewards for fighting against the demons from Hell, but a child of Lucifer will receive damnation and a free ride to the pits of Hell.

Conclusively, I assure you that receiving the gift of immortality is better than death in the fire, and I ask you, who can debate with this analogy? Please know the Bible scriptures are clear, and after our last breath, we go up or down from here.

The generations before us prove our time runs out sooner than we think, and regardless of what we are, here and now, after the death of the flesh comes judgment, and only the God lovers will win the prize of immortality.

For the above reason, all my Bible-related stories are easy to read, and I sincerely testify the above reason explains the importance of my stories to this world. Truly, if I had one wish for this world, it would be granted.

Then I would ask my wonderful Supernatural God, please instill the desire to be Bible-savvy into everyone’s heart. After that, this world would be better, and Bible illiteracy couldn’t be the reason for a world entangled in sin.

The excellent and wonderful King James Bible, inspired by my Great Creator God, consists of approximately 780,000 words, and all of us are judged from three words written within it. I assure you there will come a day and a time when these three words will exceed the importance of all other words.

The three determining words are as important as the air we breathe, and the temperature of the heart, hot, cold, and lukewarm, judges all of us. Urgently, I warn you, hot better be our temperature when we meet our Great Creator God face to face on Judgment Day.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, God will reject the cold and the lukewarm person, and they will not be allowed into His peaceful kingdom. For this reason, I urge you to be hot and on fire for the beautiful word of God and not let your fire go out.

However, observation proves this is mostly an ungodly world, and most people do not give much thought or adhere to God’s required word. Sadly, I must tell you, the excellent gift of salvation will elude a great unknown number of cold and lukewarm people in this world.

Therefore, my analogy indicates that this world is in trouble with our Great Creator God, and it’s because of opposition to His required word. I warn you so you can change your wicked ways, and if we oppose Him, we will have trouble with Him.

Our beautiful Ten Commandments of God reveal this troubled world is going in the wrong direction. This accurate observation makes my Bible stories much more important than men and women realize because men perish for lack of Bible knowledge.

However, I want you to know this problem can be solved by studying our great Bible and getting to know God. I advise you to love God as I do and try to educate the unlearned before they perish from a lack of bible knowledge.

I assure you, if our heart is godly, and the word of God is meaningful to us, then we are our brother’s keeper to an unknown degree, but not an enabler. Surely, the unknown degree should, at least, include us caring about our brother’s salvation.

Deliverance from sin and the gift of salvation isn’t the information we should withhold from anyone looking for our Savior God. Furthermore, not caring about salvation for our neighbors, children, brothers, and sisters is cruel.

Truly, Christ-like behavior means we Christians should desire everyone to win the prize of immortality. Being Christ-like means we should rejoice like the angels in Heaven do when a sinner finds God and converts to Christianity.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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