I am not Catholic, nor am I Protestant, Baptist, or Muslim, and I do not pattern myself by going to any certain kind of church building. I have no denomination, nor do manmade church rules bind me, but I am a pure, unwavering Christian and full of love for God and His word.

I belong to God’s living church. Yeshua is my inspiration, and I love all the great godliness He supports. The church I belong to walks and talks, and it spreads the gospel of God into all four corners of this Earth, and the quality of it dives into His word as deep as we want to dive.

The theology of theologians does not spoil me, and I haven’t conformed to all of their philosophies, nor do I agree with them. My great inspirational teacher is the Holy Ghost, who lives within me and guides my thoughts.

For the above reason, I can write the greatest collection of Bible stories ever written by any man, past or present. I write these unusual books and the Bible stories I reveal to the people in this world because I believe it’s my destiny to do so since birth.

Positively, the evil prince of this world became my arch-enemy early in life, and three unusual things happened to me in my youth. I believe they prove that Satan was trying to destroy my life way before I could write the Bible-related stories I write.

I assure you, the wicked Satan has set many traps and snares before me throughout my lifetime, and I am certain he was trying to stop me from accomplishing my Bible-related work. But thanks to God and His wonderful mercy, I am still alive, even though my being alive defies the odds.

Therefore, I have to believe I am alive for a good reason and to make a significant difference in this world. For this reason, I dedicate and proclaim my works are written to benefit higher learning and win souls to Christ.

I also know that the knowledge my Bible stories are written with comes from God, and it’s His perfect word; all my writing entwines with mainly because I could not write my stories without having the excellent and special Holy Ghost sharing His wisdom with me.

Therefore, the writing I do with the pen and pencil is the work of the Potter Man, who shaped me into what I am today. I assure you, the Potter Man shapes many vessels made out of clay, and you and I are a form of clay. But without a doubt, we are an unfinished project.

God knew you and me from the foundation of this Earth, and it was way before we came forth from our mother’s womb. This truth means I am a burning star from the Ancient of Days, and I have work to do for God as Samson, Moses, and Elijah did before my soul leaves this Earth.

The good angels protect me so I can complete a finished work never before achieved by any man. I assure you, my Bible-related work is specifically written for the lifting of God’s odyssey on this Earth, and someday, His odyssey will create a perfect society.

Indeed, suppose you and I have gladly submitted our will to God, regardless of the age at which our conversion to Christianity began. In that case, our odyssey is entwined with God’s, and He will improve the clay shaping of every individual seeking to be His helping friend.

These three events happening in my youth, I’ve mentioned, could be supernatural in origin, and I believe the supernatural was involved in these three events. I want you to know that the devil also knows our thoughts and hates whoever loves God. Truly, I don’t doubt he hates me and will be my enemy until my soul departs from my flesh.

My long and furious battle against the devil’s wiles and his terrible influence has prodded me to be a thorn in his side and resulted in the greatest collection of Bible stories ever written by any man since the beginning of time.

This personal story, portraying me as the clay, is called my inspiration. It’s entwined with the Potter Man’s inspiration since the new me loves the Potter Man, and I desire to do His work. I declare that believers in Christ are developed whenever we despise ungodliness, and the clay shapes the right way.

This informative story has a dual meaning, and it’s meant to be your inspiration, too, since you are also entwined with our wonderful God. I want you to know our Great Creator God loves a loyal Christian, and He expects you and me to do good things for His glory.

Therefore, clean up your living temple, let the Holy Ghost be your teacher, and learn all you can about my wonderful God. Then fulfill your odyssey, entwined with God’s because He’s your inspiration and your Potter Man.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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