This personal story reveals the advice I would offer anyone who desires to write Bible stories and advance the gospel of God. I would warn them and say, be prepared to fight with the evil spirits of the air because they will fight you much harder than they fight with most men.

If you write Bible stories, you are one among the few, and I guarantee you’ll be the target of severe attacks from every avenue of darkness. The evil spirits of the air and ungodly men influenced by them will make it a point to oppose you, and you may as well realize you have an enemy for life, and your spiritual war will increase.

I would say stick to the Bible and not take on other men’s philosophies, especially if they are assumption philosophies. Be wise, and do not write your stories based on the traditions of men because my Great God of Heaven and Earth hates the traditions of men.

The Son of God tells us because He wants us to know, the traditions of men make the perfect word of God of no effect. For this reason, do not include the traditions of men in any of your writing unless you expose the traditions of men as opposed to the commanded word of God.

I want you to know that men’s traditions are the thoughts and writing of men, and sometimes, men will try to replace God’s word with men’s traditions. I assure you that exposing the traditions of men is commendable and needs to be done by more loyal men of God.

I would tell you to study your Bible intensely and keep your living temple clean, and the Holy Ghost will be strong in you. Furthermore, I want you to know you cannot write good Bible stories unless you have help from the Holy Ghost, and He does want to help you.

However, please realize He will not live inside an unclean temple; unclean Christians cannot force Him to dwell in their hearts. For this reason, you’ll not write great and unusual Bible stories unless you are determined to keep a clean-living temple.

I want you to remember the living temple of the wonderful Holy Ghost is your heart, and the cleaner your heart, the more mysteries and puzzles He’ll reveal during your daily walk with Him. Because you desire to be godly and have a voice crying out in the wilderness of this world, you need to know all you can learn about my Great God.

Unlearned men perish for lack of Bible knowledge, but you should choose to be extremely Bible-savvy. If you are determined to make yourself extremely wise in the word of God, you will write good Bible stories and win the great prize of immortality.

Indeed, only a few people in this Lucifer-controlled world are called to write Bible stories seriously, especially the strong meat of Christianity. Sadly, most Christians who write a religious or a Christian-based story usually avoid the strong meat of Christianity.

Most Christian authors will choose to write an inspirational story, which usually involves themselves or something they’ve witnessed. But my Bible stories are mostly the meat of Christianity, filled with important information about God and His terrible adversary, Lucifer.

My stories are impartial, and race, color, or gender is irrelevant to me as it is to God. My Bible-related stories coincide with the commanded word of God, and they cut whoever falls under the sword of the Lord and lift whoever knocks on His door.

My advice to anyone wanting to write Bible stories is to do it passionately, with strong courage and boldness, and tell the required word of God exactly as it’s written. Don’t beat around the bush, but be a straight shooter, and do not be afraid to put a definition to sin.

Furthermore, write your Bible stories enthusiastically and passionately because the word of God isn’t passive. Nor are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost passive. Use John the Baptist as an example of strong character because it’s a tragic shame to be passive concerning the needed word of God.

Positively, concerning the subject being explored, add as much detail as you can to every Bible-related story you write and explain it in the simplest terms so that everyone can understand the subject’s meaning.

Furthermore, before you can succeed at writing unique Bible stories, you will have to be hot and on fire for the wonderful word of God. I assure you that being a hot and on-fire Christian is glorious and makes the heart feel good, and I testify to this hot and on-fire statement.

This personal story, My Advice To Bible Story Writers, personifies me, and I assure you, I’ve learned everything I’ve told you the hard way. But nothing else in this world has pleased me more than learning about my beautiful God and teaching His word to the unlearned.

I love my Great Creator God and all of His commanded ways, and I hope you passionately do too; if you do, it will make your heart feel good. Before this inspirational story ends, I want you to know that the word of God is the ultimate pinnacle of everything holy, clean, and good.

Paul Castle

Bible story writer


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