This awareness story we need to understand; it’s as accurate as the rotation of the four seasons that rotate year after year. For a higher understanding concerning right and wrong, I want you to realize that the original word of God is more than an opposing opinion.

The next need to realize teaching scripture will reveal blind guides, and blind guides lead men and women astray, and it’s harmful to lead them away from the authenticity of the Bible. The Son of God assures you and me that blind guides are like a broken compass, not dependable, and lead Bible-illiterate people astray through erroneous teaching.

Indeed, blind guides are the primary reason for splintered Christianity, and misrepresenting the commanded word of God is more harmful than opposing it. Truly, we should be a studier of the Bible and wise enough to realize blind guides harm Christians in the name of God.

Furthermore, when blind guides teach opposition to authentic Christianity, they impose false teachings on their fellow Christians. Then, the compromise they make amounts to more than an opposing opinion or something unimportant, and the compromise will have negative consequences.

Positively, I want you to know that opposing opinions to God’s required word have severe consequences because God doesn’t like opposing views concerning His perfect word. Our relationship with God is important, and it’s built on the truth of His word, and the definition of a fool entwines with whoever follows the blind guides.

Matthew 15:14 Let them (blind guides) alone; they are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

I assure you authentic Christianity is our caring Creator God’s ultimate gift to us living in the flesh. However, uncaring blind guides preaching the imagination of their mind will keep us from receiving the fullness of our gift from God if we let them lead us away from authenticity and cause us to accept false beliefs.

Therefore, opposition to the perfect word of God amounts to more than an opposing opinion, and it’s because opposition to His infallible word has misleading abilities. Undoubtedly, deceptive alternatives will cause some men to think opposition to authenticity doesn’t matter, one way or the other and they are wrong.  



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