This revealing story, Measured From The Throne Above, describes every day of our life in the flesh, whether we realize it or not. I assure you that being measured and evaluated from above has a serious purpose. Furthermore, be assured it’s our serious God doing the measuring.

Without a doubt, measuring us is done to determine our temperature of hot, cold, or lukewarm concerning the required word of God. However, we all need to realize that God in Heaven measures and evaluates our works on this Earth, and the works of our hearts are under strict evaluation.

I assure you no person living in the flesh escapes the scrutiny of the measuring stick of God, and to be sure of perfect fairness, the same rules measure everyone. I want you to realize it’s a disadvantage not to know the measuring stick is watching us.

Furthermore, the gift of immortality is won or lost according to how our life measures out, and the gift of immortality is lost if we live an ungodly lifestyle. This truth means we better do our best to please God and live close to His commandments, regardless of race, gender, or nationality.

I assure you corrupt and evil works may cost us our eternal salvation and our expectancy to live in the kingdom of God. However, it’s pretty obvious; there’s tangible prosperity gained from doing evil and corrupt works, not restrained by the required word of God.

Therefore, just as God rewards His servants with blessings, Satan has power and usually rewards his servants with riches. Furthermore, the prince of this world is evil, and I am confident he has plenty of bribes to offer his servants of darkness.

The invisible evil prince of the air is the guiding spirit responsible for prospering evil men and women, and tyrant and dictator men prove that material treasures can be gained through force, corruption, deception, and oppression.

Observation also proves evil and corrupt works prosper for a long time before the hand of God destroys them, and evil men doing evil works think life is a game and rarely consider themselves being measured from above. Indeed, it’s easy to conclude an overwhelming power has veiled the evil man’s eyes.

However, I assure you, the watchers, the holy ones, and the council in Heaven and God see everything men and women do, regardless of whether or not the works are good or evil; all moral or immoral works men do are measured from the throne above.

Furthermore, my all-powerful God doesn’t immediately destroy all evil works in the beginning stage. Otherwise, God would be dictating the works of men and women and forcing them to comply with His rules only.

Therefore, if He were guilty of dictating works according to His rules only, I assure you that dictating wouldn’t allow a person to express their character. For the benefit of developing our character, free will must prevail. Otherwise, our character isn’t authentic.

However, in the final analysis, after our character takes its course, time allows everyone to prove themselves, one way or another. It’s His righteous rules all men are measured by, and the wisest among the wise realize they are being measured from above, and they abide by the righteous ways of God.

Delaying judgment doesn’t mean the God of Heaven and Earth gives a sinner person free rein because sooner or later, my God will destroy evil works. Even though He lets evil men have their season of sin and do as they please for a certain amount of allotted time. However, I want you to know doing evil works will restrict our name from entering the Book of Life.

Bible history proves God raises adversaries against evil dictators and men, but usually, after they are Measured From Above and found unchangeable. This truth means free will has to run its course for a while and let the heart find its desirable place in life.

Mainly because the value and characteristics of people take time to evaluate, and men and women cannot be measured unless they have the opportunity to express free will. Therefore, I want you to remember, run the good race, and resist the temptation to sin.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, evaluating good and evil works is the right way for God to measure every person’s moral values and characteristics. However, a person must express free will before being accurately measured from above.

Therefore, you and I should be aware of the thoughts of our hearts and the works of our hands, and we should realize there are consequences to our actions mainly because we are being measured from above, based on God’s Ten Commandments.

Indeed, being aware of our evaluation from above will help us tremendously as we journey through this life and build our foundation for the next life. Otherwise, we’ll stumble around in the darkness of the unknown wilderness and not be concerned about our purpose in life, and we’ll not know the right way.

The word of God teaches the right way and gives us an edge, but we’ll have to read the word of God to find the edge. Therefore, I assure you, it helps us to know we are being measured from above. I guarantee being aware of the consequences of living ungodly is advantageous in our favor.

Conclusively, being measured from above is an inescapable fact of life, and thousands of years ago, God designed the required Ten Commandments to measure us. Positively, being measured applies to all of us, regardless of race, color, or gender.

Indeed, suppose this short story heightens your awareness of being measured from above. In that case, I must conclude you have an edge in designing your measurements, and knowing you have this edge means God expects more from whoever has an edge or knowledge of the truth.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible Story Writer


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