This informative story concerns two types of people, liberals and conservatives, standing at one or the other gate. It refers to the gates of Heaven and the gates of Hell, and someday, after the death of our flesh, we’ll stand before the Gates of Heaven or Hell.

Please be aware it’s not my intention to stereotype the liberals or the conservatives in a certain way because all liberals and conservatives are not the same in every respect. But still, liberal is ungodly, indifferent, and worldly, and conservative is godly.

Furthermore, it takes more than talking to prove ourselves a liberal or a conservative. A pattern can be established, but not a one hundred percent pattern. This truth means when I describe the liberals and the conservatives.

I am expressing a general description, entwining most of them from my point of view. Not only from my point of view but from a conservative point of view, I am basing upon the conservative gospel of my Great Creator God only.

Furthermore, please be aware our choice of being a liberal or a conservative is a definitive statement concerning our character. This truth means being a liberal or a conservative reveals how we feel about various controversial issues.

Positively, these controversial issues, requiring our full attention, are subjects all of us are faced with in this world today. I believe many conservatives lie about their position concerning liberal or conservative issues.

I believe this world is full of liberals masquerading as conservatives, and they say they are conservatives when they are liberals at heart. I also believe many counterfeit conservatives lie about their position on controversial issues and are liberal at heart.

I also believe many imitation conservatives are masquerading as real conservatives when they are liberals at heart. In the last days, before Yeshua returns, this world will be in great distress and confusion, and liberalism will majorly contribute to the chaos.

Indeed, this unstable world will mostly be liberal and ungodly, and it’ll be driving down the wide road of destruction. The next warning scripture reveals a glimpse of the imbalance            between Christian conservatives and ungodly liberals.

Therefore, the next informative scripture perfectly highlights the barometer of godliness and ungodliness. It has illustrated phrases like the straightway versus the crooked way, the narrow way, the broad gate, and the narrow gate.

However, please keep in mind the crooked way and the broad gate is entwined together with destruction to the soul. Sadly, I must tell you, the ungodly liberals walk on the crooked road leading to the broad gate designed to accommodate heavy traffic flow.

            Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the straight (means the narrow) gate: For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction (means to the pits of Hell), and many (lawless and liberal sinners,

            Matthew 7:13, which puts no difference between the clean and the unclean, and the holy and the unholy, and the righteous and the unrighteous, and many ungodly liberals and unbelievers) there be which go in there at.

Although, the road going to Hell is invisible, not detectable by eyesight. It does still exist, and many ungodly liberal people use it daily. Truly, wherever there are cities, towns, and people, then the invisible liberal road to Hell is there also.

Without a doubt, angels stand at the crossroads, directing traffic up or down. The concerned Son of God clarifies that the broad road is ungodly, leading to the soul’s destruction and a downward place called Hell.

Observation of this mainstream world and the characteristics of ungodly liberal and cold and lukewarm people living in it proves there will be many liberal people determined to take the broad way through life and enter through the wide-open gates to Hell.

All because they are too liberal-minded, too passive, and too indifferent, and because they oppose the righteousness of God, as it’s expressed through His required word and illustrated by the perfect Ten Commandments of God.

Positively, the sincere word of God reveals that opposition to God’s required word has serious consequences for the soul. Indeed, this life-threatening problem needs to be recognized before it’s too late to travel on the narrow road.

Opposition defines the liberal-minded person as a cold or lukewarm individual, and our God-inspired Bible tells us that God will reject them and not allow them to live in His kingdom. For this reason, I warn you: we better not end our lives cold or lukewarm.

The next explanation scripture, requiring much consideration, reveals an important metaphor example. It indicates only a few, compared to many, will find the narrow road with the narrow gate going to Heaven.

            Matthew 7:14 Because strait (means narrow) is the gate (to the kingdom of God), and narrow is the way (means the path) which leadeth unto life (means to the kingdom of Heaven),

            Matthew 7:14 and few (means only hot and on fire religious conservatives) there be that find it.

Indeed, the reason for the broad gate, and the narrow gate, and the broad road, and the narrow road. It’s because the broad road with the broad gate is built for the ungodly liberals, who have a cold temperature or are lukewarm for the ways of God.

Therefore, the narrow road, having the narrow gate, is built for god-fearing conservatives, who are determined to be hot and on fire for the word of God. But being liberal and accepting anything as long as it doesn’t affect you is considered broad and ungodly liberal thinking.

However, at the least, being liberal-minded is considered not caring about the Bible-quoted ways of our righteous God. Liberalism is one of the reasons that only a few men and women will find their way into the kingdom of Heaven.

I assure you that it’s for our benefit when the Son of our Supreme God tells us truthful advice since His words are always important. Truly, when He talks, we should listen closely and intensely to His extremely important words of wisdom and obey them.

Indeed, in the above scripture, Jesus says the road to Hell is built much broader and wider to accommodate more traffic. This truth means the wide road to Hell is more traveled than the narrow and righteous road, with the narrow gate taking us to Heaven and eternal life.

Surely, Jesus’s statement means there are more ungodly than righteous and god-fearing people on this Earth. This analogy is made from a godly, conservative point of view and a Heavenly point of view coming from the throne of God in Heaven.

Seeing so many liberal-minded people putting this world’s unclean and immoral ways before God’s clean and righteous ways is stunning. Surely, when men and women become this passive, we can correctly say they are liberal.

Indeed, the mistake of being too ungodly liberal, cold, and lukewarm to the word of God is like walking down the broad road and going through the wide gate and not realizing you’ve gone through the gate into Hell.

Even if you realize you’ve taken the wrong turn in life, it doesn’t matter too much until after the death of the flesh. But after the death of the flesh, you cannot turn back because it’s a one-way road after you’ve gone through the gates of Hell.

From the definition of the last two scriptures, there are two avenues of travel after the death of the flesh. I want you to know that the choices we had before our death disappeared after our death, and choosing the narrow road or the broad road must be decided as we live and breathe.

Because an angel delivers us to one gate or the other, we go through the gate alone, which is a one-way gate. This truth means life’s test is over, and only judgment or reward remains. Sadly, I must tell you, the clock cannot be turned backward for the liberal unbelievers.

It’s sad to realize there’s a greater number of people who fit the definition of liberal, concerning the holy and the unholy, the godly and the ungodly, and the just and the unjust, designated to go through the wide gate.

I guarantee you that traveling on the wide road means cold and lukewarm people aren’t using the required word of God for their road map. Sadly, I must tell you, they aren’t seeking to travel and stay on the godly and narrow conservative road.

Indeed, when conservative men and women arrive at the gates of Heaven and enter through the gates of Pearl, it’ll be because they’ve repented for their sins and are hot and on fire conservatives, and they’ve journeyed through this life on the narrow road.

For this reason, they’ll enter the wonderful kingdom of God, and I am certain, after the death of the flesh, the moral conservatives will be happy they lived a conservative lifestyle in conjunction with the word of God.

Although I am certain when the ungodly liberals enter through the gates of Hell, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. At this point, I believe the ungodly liberals, who put no difference between the clean and the unclean and the holy and the unholy.

They will wish they had been a godlier conservative concerning the issue between the holy and the unholy. But for some illogical reason, people alive and doing well do not want to rock the boat or be hot and on fire for the wonderful word of God.

Indeed, the informative story example in the Bible to illustrate the destiny of Lazarus and the rich man should be considered an illustration, illustrating two different destination places at the end of life. And we want to be conservative and not go where the ungodly rich man went, too.

The revealing story concerning the poor Lazarus and the rich man proves a fact. It proves the gate we pass through after the death of the flesh doesn’t allow course changes or the option to repent and change after someone is delivered down to Hell.

Surely, the prize of immortality and living in the kingdom of God should inspire men and women to walk on the narrow road. But popular television movies portraying the persona of casual sex and immoral lifestyles as normal and acceptable inspire ungodliness.

Inspiring ungodliness proves there must be a bad case of spiritual blindness enveloping the world, causing people to make illogical decisions simply because this entire world seems to be emulating the lifestyles of the immorality of ungodly movies.

Therefore, I must warn you: Lucifer is this world’s immoral, ungodly dark prince. And acts of immorality are his greatest influence on society. And he encourages immorality, ungodliness, uncleanness, and unfaithfulness to the required word of God.

Furthermore, he’s the stumbling block between us and the prize of salvation, and he doesn’t want us to receive the great gift of immortality. And we must overcome Lucifer and his prevalent ungodly lifestyle before we can be the children of God.

Simply because the loyal children of God have to separate themselves from the ungodly, liberal, and rebellious ways of the wicked Lucifer, and I want you to know, this is one of the required expectations my all-mighty God expects from every believer.

Nor can anyone be a child of God and a child of Lucifer, and the wisest decision is to be a hot and on-fire believer in God. And mainly because the hot and on fire children of God are the only ones able to pass beyond the gates of pearl and win the prize of immortality.

Positively, the gift of immortality is a special prize I hope to win, and I hope you do, too. But we must give our heart to God, travel the narrow road, and go through the narrow gate before the prize is ours to claim.

This revealing story, concerning everyone looking for the right way, called liberal or conservative at the gate, is saying liberalism coincides with the definition of being passive or indifferent to the excellent word of our Great God.

Positively, everyone guilty of being passive and indifferent to the required word of God will not get through the gates of Pearl at the end of the narrow road. But I guarantee you, hot and on fire passionate Christians, easily get through the gates of pearl.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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