Liberal Drifters

This story example called “liberal drifters” identifies with lots of people upon this earth, and being a liberal drifter is like going in the wrong moral direction.

The definition of a “liberal drifter” is someone drifting away from God, and them not trying to live by His word.

Furthermore, we cannot be called a liberal, unless we’ve drifted away from God, and have chosen to go in an ungodly direction.

This story example is a straight up story, and it identifies the liberal drifter as an ungodly person.

The ungodly person is similar to a boat breaking loose from its anchor, and being pulled by strong currents out to sea.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the further a person gets from God, then it’ll become harder to return back to Him.

Positively, boats sink in the mist of the oceans, and their resting place is permanently fixed on the ocean floor.

In many ways this is a parallel metaphor story example, and it likens the boat sinking to the ocean floor to the liberal drifter meeting his end in the abyss of the flaming hot earth.

The boat analogy breaking loose from its anchor parallels with the majority of the people in this world drifting further and further away from God.

Furthermore, there’s not any plan of salvation implemented in the scriptures for liberal drifters, and liberal drifters have holes in their boat.

This story example uses the sinking boat to illustrate the consequences of drifting away from God.

This story example identifies God as our anchor in life, and cutting loose the anchor puts our life in a precarious situation.

I assure you, a drifting boat in the middle of the ocean faces the same danger as us drifting away from God.

Obviously, this story is meant to illuminate the gamble we take when we cut our anchor loose, and drift away from smooth waters.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, we are likened to a sail boat, and raging storms will sink us to the bottom of the ocean.

Therefore, if we are smart sailors, then we’ll live cautiously and not drift away from the word of God.

The word of God is like the star in the east, and wise men will follow it’s directions from the heavens above.

However, and before this story example ends, I must enlighten you about the lighthouse, and it’s warning to stay away from the rocks.

In this metaphor story God is the lighthouse, and the rocky shore line is symbolic of sin.

Which means if we trust in the lighthouse, then we’ll stay away from sin, and our soul will not sink into the abyss.

Conclusively, the word of God is the bread of life, and the bread of life keeps us out of raging storms.

Positively, the statement this story example is trying to say, is do not become a liberal drifter, and drift away from God.

God bless you
Sincerely Paul Douglas Castle
Bible story writer
Creative story designer
Theologian of the heart

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