In an exciting vision, terrific beyond comparison, it was revealed in the Old Testament and during a rare visitation moment. The excellent and loyal prophet Isaiah found himself standing inside the beautiful temple of God upon God’s holy mountain.

It was a great honor of the highest degree and a much grander privilege than being a king on Earth. All of a sudden, compliments of God, the spirit of Isaiah stood before the throne of God in a vision; most of us can only wish for the privilege. But most likely, we’ll never receive it in this life, but in the next one we’ll see the same as Isaiah saw.

I am certain that many of us believers in the flesh would like to receive an invitation to look at Heaven and see our God sitting on His throne, especially at the temple in Heaven and on the mountain of God, where the robe on His back fills the whole temple.

The temple of God was filled with smoke, but not the kind of smoke we are used to seeing. I believe the smoke in the temple of God, upon the mountain of God, was similar to a beautiful blue misty cloud on a lovely day. Someday, when we are carried to Heaven by the angels, we’ll see the creative wonders of God.

Isaiah, a privileged nobleman in service for my Great God, caught between two worlds, was slightly stunned and frightened. Isaiah realized he was surrounded by the greatness of God and angels and said, Woe unto me, I am a man of unclean lips!

The prophet Isaiah hadn’t seen Heavenly creatures before, having six wings, and could fly inside the great temple of God. The scriptures reveal the Seraphins stationed themselves somewhere around the throne of the God of creation, and they could talk.

While in their stationed position, somewhere close to our Great God, during the prophet Isaiah’s visit. One of the unusual Seraphim cried to the other and said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole Earth is filled with His glory.

The glory of the Earth is all His unique creations, including the trees, grass, animals, us, and much more. Surely, when our Great God of creation looks down from the Heavens above, He sees the glory of His accomplishments.

It’s for certain all of us living on this Earth in the flesh are mostly men and women having unclean lips. I know it would frighten us if God called us up and we stood inside God’s temple and saw the Heavenly creatures and the out-of-the-ordinary living creations the prophet Isaiah saw.

            Isaiah 6:6 Then flew one of the Seraphim’s (means one of the celestial beings in Heaven) unto me (Isaiah), having a Live Coal (means a Living Coal from off the altar of God) in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar.

Please notice closely when one of the Heavenly creatures handled the Living Coals of Fire, the creature did so with a set of tongs. This procedure reveals the Living Coals of Fire weren’t touched or handled in the palm of their hand.

            Isaiah 6:7 And he (the Seraphim) laid it (the Live Coal) upon my mouth, and said, lo, this (coal) hath touched thy lips, and thine (means Isaiah’s) iniquity (means sin and uncleanness) is taken away,

            Isaiah 6:7 and thy sin purged (means the sins of Isaiah have been forgiven and taken away).

Please remember that after the Son of God was taken to Heaven, he said He would work through the wonderful Holy Ghost. The supernatural and powerful Holy Ghost has the authority to use supernatural creations from within the temple of Heaven.

I believe the wonderful Holy Ghost will often use the Living Coals of Fire upon the altar of God, upon the mountain of God. I know they and He will work together and accomplish many supernatural missions throughout the universe.

Furthermore, I believe the Holy Ghost is entwined constantly with the Living Coals of Fire, who live upon the altar of God. It’s for certain: the Living Coals of Fire, who live upon the altar of God, are one of the Heavenly creations from the Ancient of Days. Sometimes, as the example of Isaiah portrays, the Lord uses them to purify and improve men.

The definition of purify means to be free from guilt, sin, and corruption, and it’s one of the cleaning abilities of the Living Coals of Fire. Indeed, in Isaiah’s vision, the Heavenly Seraphim touched the lips of Isaiah with a Living Coal of Fire, taken from off the altar of God, upon the mountain of God.

However, I am certain none of us are familiar with the appearance of the Seraphims. But I believe the Seraphims must be extremely powerful supernatural creations. It’s for certain: they are extremely special celestial beings and have a much different appearance than the image of anything we can imagine.

The scriptures reveal when they cry out (means when they speak) in Heaven, the posts on the temple’s doors, upon the mountain of God, move. The logical reason is that the posts on the temple’s door in Heaven move when the Seraphim cries out.

It must be because the holy temple upon the mountain of God is a living temple, and it’s as much alive as anything else. Because the supernatural is commonplace in Heaven, we’ll be surprised by how many things are alive in the Kingdom of God.

The Seraphims are holy creatures, completely trustworthy and loyal to their creator God. It’s easy to conclude that they do as the Lord commands them, and administering the Living Coals of Fire is one of their duties.

I believe the primary reason is that the Seraphim used tongs to carry the Living Coals of Fire to touch the lips of Isaiah. It’s because the Seraphim didn’t want to drain any of the energy from the Living Coals of Fire before they were used to touch Isaiah’s lips.

The holy Seraphim touched the mouth of Isaiah with one of the Living Coals of Fire, who lives upon the altar of God, and his unclean lips were purified. This exposure story, Isaiah Encounters A Seraphim, reveals some of the power of the Living Coals of Fire.

This unusual story also reveals the dwelling place of the Living Coals of Fire, who reside in the living temple of God and upon the altar. Truly, living upon the altar of God proves their value and connection to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the beautiful altar of our Great God, inside the temple of God, has a parallel connection. Indeed, it’s similar to the holy of holies in the inner chamber of Solomon’s temple, the holiest place in the whole temple.

The animal skin tent tabernacle in the desert housed the Ark of the Covenant, and Solomon’s temple housed the Ark of the Covenant. I want you to know that the Ark of the Covenant was considered holy in both places.

Positively, the sacred altar of God, inside the temple of Heaven, has Living Coals of Fire upon its altar, and I want you to know that the Holy Ghost of God is the Holy of holies. The Holy Ghost entwines with the Father,  His Son, and the Living Coals of Fire.

Furthermore, if the Holy Ghost of God lives within me and you, we also entwine with the Father, Son, and Living Coals of Fire. This truth means a small portion of the God element lives within us, allowing us a brief moment of life in the flesh, and we should use our time wisely.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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