I operated and owned a small construction business for most of my working life until I retired from a regular job, holding me to an everyday responsibility. After retiring from the workforce, I could pursue my lifelong dream and use words to express the love inside my heart for the gospel of God.

I am happy to tell you that my dream has always been to write beautiful, uplifting Bible stories in the simplest of language and put many definitions to the subject being talked about. Because I hunger for Bible knowledge, I want to write about every subject in the Bible and explain them in fullness.

I want you to know explaining Bible subjects in fullness is the greatest desire of my life. Explaining the word of God in detail is what I must do until the day I die because everyone needs to understand the meaning of the Bible’s subjects concerning our lives.

After doing many interviews with other Christians, I’ve discovered that only a few people understand the exact word of God as they should. After doing many interviews, I finally realized that most people living in this Lucifer-controlled world are too Bible illiterate and will not study His word in-depth.

It also became obvious to me most people live from day to day lukewarm, passive, and indifferent. For some illogical reason, they do not seem to realize or care if they are being lukewarm toward the word of God, nor do they realize the consequences of profiling lukewarm or cold.

Truly, I’ve discovered there’s not enough enthusiasm in this world for the wonderful word of God. This evaluation is a sad analogy but a true analogy, and it defies logic to be anything less than hot and on fire for the word of God since God expects us to be hot and on fire for His word.

Therefore, I conclude that most people prefer to do their own thing and do not seem to realize the importance of securing their eternal salvation. But for some illogical reason, they seem to believe the gift of salvation will automatically be given to them.

Furthermore, it seems that most people in this world have a blind problem in their thinking and are passive toward God’s required word. Sadly, they haven’t enough Bible knowledge to understand the dangerous repercussions of their lukewarm behavior.

Positively, and as illogical as it sounds, most people do not feel the need to explore the wonderful word of God intensely. But they’ll read cookbooks, novels, and mushy love stories much more often than they do their Bible. Truly, learning how to cook many recipes is wonderful, but familiarizing yourself with the word of God is the most important.

Even when I talk to Christians about the Bible story books, I’ve written to enlighten and lift our Savior God. For an ununderstandable reason, most of them will ask me if my books are for children as if they already know all they need to know about my great God.

Truly, most people seem nonchalant about the requirements for eternal life, and only a few know about the Judgment Scales of God. However, not knowing about the Judgment Scales of God will take away some of the seriousness of our need to be Christ-like.

Apparently, for some illogical reason, being hot and on fire for the gospel of God doesn’t seem necessary to most people. But it should, and our enthusiasm should equal hot and on fire as we journey through the rock slides and mud puddles of sin in this life.

I guarantee that all preachers and teachers should teach the importance of being hot and on fire for the word of God instead of teaching that the gift of grace is the key to eternal life. Surely, because of its importance to our souls, I believe being a hot and on fire Christian should entwine with conversion to Christianity.

Indeed, the gift of grace is wonderful, but it’ll take a hot and on-fire Christian to hold onto the gift of grace. But most Christians I’ve interviewed believe grace is all they need, and for an ununderstandable reason, the gift of grace will cancel out everything sinful they do.

Furthermore, it appears that only a few Christians know the weightier matter of the important word of God, even though immortality is gained or lost, according to our lifestyle. But it still appears many Christians are passive and throw caution to the wind and do not realize that we better walk carefully and earn our salvation by doing right.

Furthermore, it appears factual, even if it’s not completely true; most people seem to believe they can live a cold or lukewarm lifestyle, which will not hinder their gift of salvation through grace. Surely, this passive belief illustrates and reveals the definition of blind faith.

Therefore, I thought I would write a few Bible stories for fun, to increase learning and understanding, and to inspire love for His gospel. Since my first published book in July of 2011, I have nine published Bible storybooks and seventeen other unpublished books.

My nine published books amount to five hundred and twenty-nine individual Bible-related stories, consisting of one million and thirty-four thousand words. However, writing so many Bible stories and books wasn’t something I planned to do, but I am glad to write stories involving God.

Positively, I never dreamed I would keep writing more and more stories, and a few stories would turn out to be so massive. But I kept writing more stories as if it were my calling in life. Now, I have another seven hundred hand-written Bible stories, none of which have been published.

It could be possible; I’ve written more Bible-related stories than any other individual, even since the beginning of life, and for God’s glory, I hope to write many more stories. However, I believe my spirit will leave this Earth before they are published.

I am certain this unusual collection of Bible stories I’ve managed to write is unequaled by anyone in the literary world of Christianity. But I am also certain that most people living in this world who need to know about the God of salvation will never read my Bible-related stories or the God-inspired Bible.

This truth means most people will stand before our Great Creator God of Heaven and Earth someday, and they’ll have a lack of knowledge about Him. Sadly, they’ll not realize it matters until it’s their turn to stand before Him at the Great Judgment Throne.

However, while I live and breathe, I fully intend to do my part and spread God’s gospel to this starving world as much as possible, mainly because people need to understand their purpose in life, which is extremely serious. I will tell you, and everyone interested, that the whole duty of man is to live by His righteous Ten Commandments.

Furthermore, I want you to know that being a carefree and happy-go-lucky person will not enhance our purpose in this life. But being nonchalant will cause us to meet our Great God someday unprepared, which will be an unacceptable way to meet Him.

I assure you; this is a test ground Earth, and life in the flesh is short, and gaining eternal life depends on us becoming Disciples of Christ. But because of an indifferent attitude, most people worldwide are in trouble with God. Unfortunately, the carefree and happy-go-lucky people do not seem aware of their stance with Him.

Furthermore, throughout our beautiful Bible, our Great Creator God has presented us with His requirements for salvation, and we are fools if we do not take His eternal life requirements seriously. I assure you, His commandments aren’t optional or bendable.

However, the question that needs to be answered is clear and seriously important. This truth means, can we trouble God by rejecting His requirements and then obtain the gift of salvation? I wouldn’t gamble on it, but I would always try to follow His requirements and be hot and on fire for the word of God.

I assure you, being on fire for the wonderful word of God illustrates our best eternity option. Because our Great Creator God will remember all hot and on fire Christians when they present themselves before Him, I am certain He’ll be proud to claim all hot and on fire Christians as His children.

Paul Castle

Bible story writer


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