I present this introduction story to highlight a FAMINE IN THE LAND.

This story is designed to be strong, reveal who’s shaping this world, and share an insight into the master we serve. Before this story begins, I want you to know our lives are compared to a vapor, and we will leave this world as necked as we came into it. For this reason, let’s not spend our time plotting and deceiving for the love of money or parallel our desires with Lucifer’s greed.

Suppose we believe everything we see is the sum of this world and do not believe invisible spirits are among us or there are invisible creatures with the power of telepathy transmitting thoughts to change the paths of our lives. In that case, we are short-sighted and subject to acting on the beliefs we imagine or perceive, and we may believe it’s okay to lust for money.

Sadly, most people only believe what they see with their eyes, and they think an invisible demonic spirit cannot influence them. They believe whatever they do is perceived by their thoughts, and they wouldn’t believe an evil spirit has guided them to put worldly riches first.

The problem is so severe that there’s a famine in the land for the word of God. So you ask yourself why this is true and how it can happen, and are you and I so blind we do not know our hunger for the word of God has been replaced with starvation and emptiness?

I dare say the love of money is the root of all evil, and the thoughts of our imagination are mostly consumed by a desire to increase our bank account. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and in too many circumstances, the value of money exceeds the value of life. Shall I say the gods of this world are those who have power over life and death, and how many lives have been cut short because they cannot afford health care?

Lucifer is the prince or God of this world system, and he couldn’t serve My Creator God properly because he hungered for the possessions in Heaven and power over life and death. Lucifer wanted the beautiful Kingdom of God and the possessions inside the pearl gates, and this is the beginning of the meaning of no man can serve two masters.

Lucifer set the example for mankind, and the love of money entwines with no man can serve two masters. Therefore, all of us born through the womb of woman have two choices: shall we love the things of God or the worldly pleasures of mammon, and most of all, does our heart yield to God or mammon?

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: either he will hate (dislike) the one and love the other or hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Indeed, the flesh and blood body is temporary; judgment on the soul comes after our death, and will we end our life hot, cold, or lukewarm for the word of God? On Judgment Day, the Mediator for God is the Son of God, and you and I will stand before Him hot, cold, or lukewarm. On this day, the grace of God will not save the cold and lukewarm person. However, the passionate Christian will walk down the narrow road and pass through the narrow gate.

Lucifer was a deceiver and a liar, and the love of worldly pleasures and mammon caused his heart to turn away from the right way. Sadly, he served the wrong master and is prophesied to burn in the fire.

Indeed, I am asking you to earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, be honest in your dealings, and not deceive anyone for the love of money. Paul Castle

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