This revealing story, concerning quite a few people throughout every generation, I call the Hardened Heart Parallel, looks into the past for understanding. It’s a straight-up story written for the benefit of perfect clarification, and this story doesn’t beat around the bush.  

As true as the rotation of the four seasons, this educational story illustrates a story example to prove a point. However, this story reaches into the past, and it will help establish the authenticity of this story by using another story example to gain understanding.

This truth means that if our Supreme God has unlimited abilities, He can do one supernatural thing to control the thoughts and actions of men. Then, He can do many other things to control the thoughts and actions of men, and this declaration story proves powerful creations are active players in this world.

Indeed, I realize we would be foolish to think God, the Son of God, and the Holy Ghost sit on the sidelines of life and do nothing. God is called the Potter Man, a Clay Sculptor who shapes men and women a certain way, and Bible history proves that He intervenes occasionally.

However, I believe most of His intervention goes unnoticed except when He does extraordinary things, and God has unlimited power without natural boundaries. I am confident the progression of time brings memories of the Ancient of Days to His mind, and the corridors of years haven’t stopped Him from doing supernatural accomplishments.

This declaration story illustrates a Hardened Heart Parallel and a supernatural intervention from a higher power. Indeed, this beyond-average story entwines a hardened heart, the cruel Pharaoh of Egypt, and the unnatural curse of homosexuality.

Even the creation of thousands of different lives is proof, proving the unlimited abilities of God. Surely, this truth means He can do anything His heart desires. For this reason, I assure you, He will haunt us and hurt us if we do something ungodly to provoke the anger of God.

Furthermore, before this story proceeds any further, I want you to know that my supernatural God desires righteousness from all of us, and it’s one of His unchangeable expectations. However, if you’re going to test the patience of God, start living an ungodly lifestyle, and you’ll catch His attention.

Therefore, because He hates all acts of sin, recompense is a judgment call on acts of unrighteousness, and my great God does repay unrighteousness with a hurtful compensation. Knowing God as I do, I will warn you: we would be foolish to believe unrighteous acts aren’t penalized by Him.

The Lord God created the Heavens first and the Earth afterward, and the Lord said, let there be light, and there was light. The Lord God divided the light from darkness, similar to how He divided a male from a female. However, if you are a skeptic and you want to, you can give evolution this credit if you aren’t afraid to anger God.

I assure you, the division between a male and a female is quite noticeable, and it’s because we are observing a different set of equipment that the passage of time cannot accomplish. Usually, unless a supernatural curse is involved, opposites are attracted to each other.

The Lord created male and female, a man from the dust of the Earth and a woman from the rib of a man, and the following declaration scripture illustrates a man’s need for a mate. Truly, to set the right example, my great Creator God provided Adam with a female, and she’s called Eve.

Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, it is not good that a man should be alone; I will make (means I’ll create) him a help meet (means mate) for him.

Therefore, so man could fulfill his purpose in life, God created a woman uniquely different than a man, and He called her Adams’s mate. I assure you, Eve was designed extremely special, and God provided her with the delicate equipment of a desirable woman, much different than a man.

This truth means she was a perfect helpmate for Adam and was created precisely appropriate for a man by God. I believe harmony would’ve lasted forever upon this Earth if the rebellious and wicked Satan hadn’t interfered with the bloodline in the Garden of God.

Indeed, the creation of Adam and Eve was good in the eyes of the Lord, and the seed of the wheat came from Adam and Eve. However, the tares are the seed of the Serpent Of Old and the lovely Eve. Together, through mating, they introduced rebellion and wickedness into this world.

This truth means the bloodline of the tares has a different set of moral values, and because of their creation, they inherited their moral values from the ungodly angels. I assure you, sodomy and homosexuality weren’t intended for the pure bloodline of Adam but only for cursed persons.

However, because Lucifer angered our Creator God exceedingly great, sodomy and homosexuality are a part of Satan’s life. Undoubtedly, his cursed heritage, sodomy, and homosexuality express and identify with his cursed character.

I know it sounds illogical, and it’s hard for many people to understand, but for specific reasons involving extreme rebellion. God imposed the curse of homosexuality and a Reprobate Mind on the disobedient children of rebellious angels.

Then, after doing so, He called homosexuality an abomination, and the attraction men have for homosexuality identifies certain people as terrible compromisers. Since He tells us they have Reprobate minds, abominable people are marked people, and their soul belongs to the beast.

I assure you that rebellion against God’s infallible Word is the primary cause of God-imposed recompense. Furthermore, I am pretty sure recompense at the hand of God can time travel, and compensation always finds the culprit of rebellious acts from the past.

The curse of homosexuality is a fitting recompense, and it’s able to follow the transition of a mixed bloodline person after it becomes a flesh and blood creation in this Earth age. This truth means the God of Heaven and Earth has a good memory and remembers us from another time.

Indeed, the example of recompense He applied to the rebellious angels and their mixed bloodline children is similar to the Pharaoh’s hardened heart example in Egypt. This statement means, He will manipulate the heart or the thinking part of the brain, and a price tag for sin will attach to whosoever angers Him.

For example, to illustrate a supernatural God imposed recompense. Every time Moses would ask the Pharaoh to let his people go, the Pharaoh refused because the Lord had hardened his heart. This truth means the Pharaoh couldn’t change his destiny with a God-imposed recompense.

I know this is a complex story for believers and unbelievers to understand and have the courage to believe. However, this serious story, weaving back and forth through the corridors of time, is based on the perfect word of God. I assure you compensation of some sort is the price tag for sin, and everyone pays.

Positively, the following scripture is revealing and purposely taken from the book of Exodus, proving a supernatural intervention. The following scripture proves the Pharaoh of Egypt couldn’t let the people of Israel go because our Creator God had control of his mind and heart.

Furthermore, after reading the following powerful scripture and absorbing its enlightenment, our eyes will open, and we will be forced to conclude that some men are set aside for a God-imposed recompense. Surely, if you are Bible-savvy, you will know Bible stories prove free will has strings attached, and doing right is the string for avoiding recompense, but doing wrong incurs a penalty.

Therefore, regardless of what men think about free will or think, it’s partial or total. The Pharaoh of Egypt didn’t have the free will to make a logical choice, and I conclude making a rational decision might’ve saved his people and their firstborn children from destruction.

Mainly because the Lord had hardened his heart, and I assure you, the will of man cannot fight against the will of God. It’s pretty obvious; the Pharaoh of Egypt knew that our Supreme God was involved in the wrath happening to Egypt by the supernatural signs accompanying Moses.

Furthermore, the Pharaoh’s magicians, Jannes and Jamborees, warned the Pharaoh, and they told him the Supreme God was involved. Still, the cruel Pharaoh didn’t care, and the unavoidable price tag for sin caught up with the Pharaoh.

Positively, his heart couldn’t change his destiny with recompense because of divine intervention. For this reason, sound thinking and logic evaded the Pharaoh, and because of divine intervention, the Pharaoh was experiencing blindness of the mind.

This truth means the cruel Pharaoh couldn’t make a wise decision to avert a fitting recompense on himself and his people. Truly, Bible stories reveal his God-imposed hardened heart caused him to fight with God to the end of his death, and the fight ended at the Red Sea.

The next need to understand scripture reveals the inability to escape judgment or recompense once it’s decided as a fitting punishment from above. Surely, because of God’s ability to impose a penalty of any type, He chooses in the form of discipline; we walk a tightrope daily as we proceed through life.

Therefore, we cannot sin and escape from the long arm of God because collection time will catch up to us, and whosoever is in debt to Him will pay for the price of their sins. I want you to know it’s regardless of whether or not the debt is for something done in this life or a previous lifetime.

The following educational scripture shines the light on God and entwines the supernatural to recompense. It illuminates how easy it is to lose control of our hearts and minds to a higher power, and the example of the Pharaoh of Egypt tells us doing cruel acts causes wrath from above.

Exodus 10:20 But the Lord hardened the Pharaoh’s heart so that he (the Pharaoh) would not let the children of Israel go.

Furthermore, what our all-powerful Lord did to the Egyptian Pharaoh’s heart and mind is similar to the God-imposed curse of homosexuality. However, the curses, which are many, may not be the same type of God-imposed curse, but they parallel intervention from a higher power.

Positively, the Pharaoh couldn’t let the people of Israel go because God programmed his mind and heart to be hardened against Him. Neither can the homosexuals and the sodomites be anything else other than what their pre-designed curse compels them to be, day after day.

Indeed, this hardened heart parallel story concerning the Pharaoh of Egypt and the curse of homosexuality. It proves that God punishes ungodly men and women for being rebellious. However, unbeknownst to ungodly people, some are punished for sins they’ve committed in their past lives.

Conclusively, I assure you that rebellion against God’s commanded Word is the catalyst for invoking the wrath of God. Truly, rebellion against the word of God is the primary reason for discipline, compensation, and judgment from above.

Nor can any affected person, cursed by the supernatural power of God, change a decision our great Creator God sets in motion. Regardless of how we feel about the extent of free will, this accurate analogy is an unavoidable fact of life.

Positively, I want you to know that God doesn’t systematically choose our life course like a magician pulls a rabbit out of His hat. This truth means we aren’t selected randomly to experience the sting of recompense.

However, if we’ve committed an extreme act of rebellion against Him during a previous time in history, regardless of the time between then and now, our sins will catch up to us. I want you to realize the further we get away from the narrow road, the chances of failing to do right increase.

Positively, He will repay us with an evil supernatural God-imposed curse, and its penalty will equal our crime against God. I assure you, this story should end with words of extreme wisdom, and FEAR THE LORD are words of powerful knowledge.

Indeed, we should tremble and shake with fear, with our knees knocking like Belshazzar did when we do something to anger God. He will respond to our sins because He’s watching us from above, and you need to know sin gets His attention.

This enlightenment story, the Hardened Heart Parallel, is eye-opening, revealing God in control of recompense. Truly, God designed compensation, and a price tag for sin is entwined with intervention from above, and it is one of God’s little perks beyond our control.  

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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