This extremely serious story, Follow Him Or Deny Him, has a required meaning and cannot be completed by one party. This truth means it’ll take an agreement from both parties to be valid because Following Him Or Denying Him has to be mutually agreed to before a covenant is formed.

The subject concerning all of us: Following Him Or Denying Him refers to the righteous world of God, and following or denying is every person’s choice. Following Him Or Denying Him began in Heaven with the angels, and they had free will to follow or deny our Great Creator God. This realization means they had free will and could choose between right and wrong.

Indeed, we flesh and blood people on this Earth have the same free will as all the rebellious angels in Heaven. This truth means we can follow or deny God with the same freedom, and the enormous population on this Earth illustrates a split in what men and women do.

The word serve doesn’t mean we are puppets to a Master or a tyrant God who doesn’t allow freedom. But the word serve in this story means we are servants to a righteous way of life, only our Great Creator God provides.

Anyway, I assure you, our Creator God isn’t a tyrant God and doesn’t want to make servant puppets out of every person in His kingdom. Although, He is looking for men and women in love with righteousness, who are willing to be servants of righteousness for eternity.

The word denies in this explanation story refers to men and women who gladly reject being servants to righteousness. In all fairness, the excellent gift of free will allows every person living in the flesh the privilege to accept Him as their God or to deny Him.

Although I want you to know our choice to Follow Him Or Deny Him must be made while we live on this Earth. This truth means we have a limited time to make up our minds and to decide whether or not we want to be a child of God in love with His commandments.

I want you to realize after the death of the flesh, our ability to follow Him or refuse Him is set in concrete, and being set in concrete means a different choice or direction in life cannot be chosen after the death of our flesh. For this reason, I hope you realize at the end of our life, we go up, or sadly, we go down.

However, the truth is certain after men and women realize the Son of God is our Mediator between His Father and us. Then, all ungodly people who traveled the wide road and went down to the kingdom of Satan will be remorseful and wish they hadn’t rejected Him.

Especially when ungodly people discover rejection of our Great Creator God means damnation and eventually smoke and ashes, and the final equation means we’ll either receive a spiritual body or become smoke and ashes. Sadly, some men and women never see the light and walk on the narrow road, but they believe in a lie and are damned.

However, I want you to know my wonderful God is a merciful God, and being a merciful God means He’ll forgive sinners if they repent for their sins and change into a servant of righteousness. But please realize being merciful doesn’t mean He’ll allow wicked men into His kingdom; that wouldn’t repent and change.

Therefore, the option to repent and change must be sought after and achieved while we are alive, and it would be extremely wise for sinners to submit themselves to the ways of the Lord before their option to change and become Christ-like disappears.

I also assure you that being alive tomorrow shouldn’t be assumed because death can come unexpectedly and suddenly sometimes. Even when men think they have a long life ahead of them. But the truth is reality and as mysterious as the wind, and our life is compared to a vapor, and gambling on a vapor is a bad gamble.

Our excellent and wonderful bible is filled with the perfect word of our Great Creator God. His word is designed to care about our lives, and His gospel reveals many important things for our benefit. However, I hope you realize we must discover, remember, and utilize His commanded word before it’s beneficial.

Indeed, our God-inspired Bible reveals we are standing in the middle ground right now between Heaven and Hell. But after the death of our flesh, Heaven or Hell will become one of our destination places. This truth means life doesn’t end at the grave, and it doesn’t have to end at all.

Therefore, I want you to realize choices matter, and you should be concerned about your soul’s destiny. Every day anyone puts off giving themselves to the Lord illustrates a gamble with salvation and a long life of immortality, and I must say, it’s foolish to be a gambler on eternal life.

Indeed, the only logical and wise decision before it’s too late is not to wait another day to be a child of God. Deciding to be a child of God is an important decision no one will regret, and gladness of the heart should be the emotion we feel for converting to Christianity.

Anyway, I am telling you, the change from a sinner person to the conversion of a Christian is an improvement in anyone’s life. The change from a sinner to a God lover reveals the formula for designing a better person, and the definition of a better person is a commandment lover faithful to God.

Indeed, regardless of our previous lifestyle and mistakes during our rebellious moments in our youth. I want you to realize that my wonderful and merciful God will allow us to pick up the cross and follow Him if our hearts are sincere concerning repentance and change.

I assure you that obedience to the righteous word of God illustrates our proof of change, and we need to prove ourselves changed. But on the other hand, rebellion against the righteous word of God illustrates proof of rejection and our refusal to change.

Furthermore, any person not interested in picking up the cross and carrying the gospel of God wherever they go. Then, they aren’t worthy of being called the sons and daughters of God, nor are they worthy to live in His peaceful kingdom after the death of their flesh.

Furthermore, the unchanged person will never know about the wonderful gifts my Great God has in store for whoever loves Him. But the choice to follow or deny Him is our decision, and because He believes in free will, He’ll not interfere with our choice.

The wise decision is clear: do not wait too long to choose the God of salvation, and mainly because, sometimes, we leave this world suddenly. Sometimes, we leave this world without having time for deathbed repentance and conversion to Christianity.

This informative story, Following Him Or Denying Him, describes me and the important option I faced at a critical time. This personal story reveals me as a sinner until I followed Him instead of denying Him.

I assure you, choosing to follow Him has been the wisest decision I’ve ever made, and I haven’t any intentions of looking back. I am certain plenty of people stand at the crossroads in life and are faced with the decision to follow or deny their one and only Savior.

I hope this personal story I’ve written to everyone helps me and many other people similar to me, and I hope it inspires men and women to follow Him instead of denying Him. But please be aware that rejecting Him is the same as rejecting an everlasting life of immortality.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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