Fear has an extended definition, and it means much more than being afraid of a snake, a bear, or a vicious dog. The expanded definition of fear has many examples and includes anything that can make men tremble and afraid.

I assure you that a good scare shakes our real tree, and men do have respect for scary things; that’s scary enough to make them tremble with fear. It sounds bold and courageous to say I am not afraid of anything, but there are certain things all men and women need to fear.

Fear is one of those personal things, an unsettling emotion we’ve all felt; it’s a tailored feeling that will fit each individual differently. Because of the things one person fears, another man doesn’t fear, and it’s easy to conclude that personal fears cannot be stereotyped.

Indeed, there are little fears, there are great fears, there are warranted fears, and there are unwarranted fears. Furthermore, there are even things we should fear but do not fear, and there are things we shouldn’t fear but we do fear.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I am pretty sure the emotion of fear can be triggered by the presence of danger, especially a life-threatening risk. Truly, when danger threatens our lives, I am sure our heart rate will increase, and we will experience the emotion of fear.

Furthermore, the emotion of fear will be triggered by foreseen dangers yet to come, such as dangerous territories lying ahead. Some fears are justifiable, some aren’t, some men fear easily, and some men haven’t any fear.

Fear is one of those unpredictable emotions, and it can cause men and women to bring their priorities to the forefront and give them a severe evaluation. I agree; we should evaluate our fears and consider their reason.

Some men are realists and only fear what they see with their eyes, and the dangerous situation they’re in the midst of is causing them to fear, while other men have a fear complex and worry about the unseen and what might happen to them shortly or somewhere in the future.

I guarantee you that it’s easier to fear the dangers we see than unseen dangers yet to happen. However, some men and women are wise enough to look ahead and avoid dangerous things by devising an alternate plan to avoid potential risks.

Meanwhile, the unwise and the unfearful man never looks far enough ahead to avoid potential dangers and life-threatening situations. Truly, I want you to know that living for the moment leaves us vulnerable, and being weak in mind and spirit will not help us avoid potential risks.

Positively, we can be nonchalant and walk unthinkingly, like men and women in the dark, not having enough light to see a potential danger. However, walking mindlessly and being unconcerned concerning unseen hazards cannot be considered a sign of wisdom.

Superior wisdom is proven because we look ahead, evaluate potential dangers, and avoid them before it’s too late. For example, we must consider this statement of truth since the following fact affects all of us.

Salvation and damnation are two important subjects of concern; all men must look ahead and into the future to achieve or avoid. I guarantee you that this type of foresight is excellent, and if we believe in Christ, it means we are looking ahead.

I assure you, and you should know without being told, that the wonderful gift of salvation should be the top priority on every person’s mind. However, I want you to know that it’ll take a look ahead to accomplish and secure the grand prize of salvation.

However, having hindsight and being nonchalant about the danger of damnation secures a person nothing eternal in the heavens above because damnation awaits men and women when they forget to reverence God and keep His commandments.

Indeed, this short story proves that we can evaluate fear in many ways, but living a cautious lifestyle illustrates the best way to live. This truth means we better not forget to fear God because He does have the power and the authority to cast men into the pits of Hell.

Bible story writer

Paul Douglas Castle

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