The winds howl, the rains pour, thunder roars, and lightning flashes, and the natural elements of this Earth reveal an unmatched power except for one intangible feeling. From experience, I know for sure this feeling supersedes all the effects of God-designed forces, and it’s the pinnacle of His greatest expectation and the heart of all His teaching.

I am a Bible story writer, and within all of God’s great messages, the feeling of love is the formula for a better person and a better world. I know this is true because I’ve experienced the power of love. By a divine design, the power of love is the secret to creating a pure heart, and the most potent love radiates from a pure heart.

This story will entwine with curry roads and the twists of life, sickness, sad days and nights, heartaches, and a willingness to overcome obstacles. Looking back before this love story begins, it’s easy to say the power of love is the thread holding together the meaningfulness of doing right for a mate in need.

The two people in this love story are Paul and Kathy, two strangers for sixty-eight years, and you could say their meeting each other was a chance occurrence or luck, or you can believe it was the will of God. However, if you were to ask Paul and Kathy, they’d tell you it was the will of God.

Before this story goes any further, it’s appropriate to reveal the background of Paul and Kathy, and then you’ll know why they say their love is God-sent and they were meant to enhance each other’s happiness. I am sure the love story of Romeo and Juliet, Samson and Delia, Solomon and the queen of Sheba will not compare to the love story of Paul and Kathy.

In this story, Paul doesn’t stand at the bottom of a balcony and say, where are thou, fair maiden? Paul didn’t find Kathy at a place where lewd women gather, and Kathy didn’t visit him from a faraway country where people like the queen of Sheba worship strange gods and goddesses. But he found a Christian woman, full of faith in the Creator God of this world, and she pleased Paul.

Kathy was a career woman and mother of three children, and Paul is presently a Bible story writer with three children of his own. Both his and her children are adults, and unknown to them, a new path in a different direction waits around the corner, and all they have to do is follow the new route, similar to three wise men following a star in the East.

Kathy was a married woman for twenty years, and after the twelfth year, sickness came upon her husband, and she had to be a caregiver for the last eight years of her life. During this time, she was a loyal caregiver, and after his passing, she grieved for approximately two years.

However, Kathy was sixty-seven, and she wondered if she would ever meet someone else and feel the feelings of love again. Hope mostly eluded her, not because she wasn’t attractive; Kathy is presently a beautiful woman with many wonderful qualities to offer any man.

Kathy is a loyal Christian, virtuous and pure at heart, and will not settle for any man. But during one of her prayers with God, she put Him in control and said, God, if you want me to meet someone else, you’ll have to drop him in my lap. After saying her prayer, she continued with her business because her fiftieth-year class reunion was close at hand, and her duty was to set the tables and provide an assortment of side dishes.

Kathy was wrapped up in her work that night, and creating a successful reunion for her classmates was the only thought on her mind, and I know for sure she had forgotten about her statement to God. However, God doesn’t forget and cares about the pure at-heart Kathy Sue.

Paul was a newcomer on this fiftieth-year reunion and couldn’t remember many of his classmates since he had only spent one and one-half years at their high school. But because he wanted to fit in with everyone, he wrote a classmate’s story and read them his version of the Humpty Dumpty story.

Everything was going well, and everyone could feel an unusual warmth on this night; unity was essential to everyone. Even though Paul was a stranger in the crowd, everyone made Paul feel welcome.

Paul was sitting at the front of the building, and Kathy was at the back end of the building, and they were further apart than anyone in the grand ballroom. Even though Kathy and Paul were classmates in High school, they didn’t know each other.

Positively, Paul had a goal to fulfill, lived in a shell, hadn’t paid any girl attention for eighteen years, and had forgotten the feelings a man feels when he’s close to a remarkable woman. It’s correct to say he was concrete and wasn’t letting a woman be close to him. Yet, every time Paul looked at Kathy, his heart tingled, and he couldn’t understand why he was feelings emotions he guarded his heart from feeling.

The music was playing, and people danced and had a good time. Finally, the DJ played his first slow song for the night, and Paul jumped out of his seat and went straight toward Kathy, hoping she would slow dance with Him.

It was a dream come true when Kathy said yes, and Paul took her by the hand and as he was leading her to the dance floor. The warmth of her hands traveled to his heart, and because his heart was feeling a strange desire, Paul wanted to hold Kathy close to him.

After the dance was over, Paul thanked her for the dance, and she went back to taking care of her business, and Paul returned to his table. Because no other girl caused him to feel drawn to them, Paul couldn’t believe his feelings for Kathy after eighteen years of living alone.

Paul felt like something was nudging at him, or Cupid shot him with an arrow, and Paul didn’t know it, but he was under a magic spell, and Kathy was the magic tugging at his heart. The strength to resist women Paul exhibited for eighteen years was failing him, and little Kathy Sue was melting his power to resist away, and she never knew the effect she was having on Paul.

The DJ played three more slow songs that night, and Paul asked Kathy to dance to each one. But on the last song of the night, Paul knew it was his last chance to dance with Kathy, and he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to hold her close one last time.

Paul took Kathy to the dance floor, and not anyone else was dancing, and it felt good to be alone with her on the dance floor. Paul’s heart was beating faster than usual, and he said to Kathy, this is a special moment, she agreed while snuggling up close to Paul with her head against his neck.

This moment was Heavenly to Paul, like walking through a rose garden and smelling their fragrance, and Paul was hoping this moment would never end. Paul thought this might be the last time he danced slowly with Kathy and thought he might never see her again. When the night was over and dreams ended, Paul thought so were his feelings for Kathy.

The night was ending for their classmates and just beginning for Kathy, and Kathy had a lot of glassware to package and load into her vehicle. Paul realized it was hard work to clean up after all their classmates, and he asked Kathy if he could help her, and she accepted his help.

It was late in the evening, and all that mattered was cleaning the ballroom and leaving it the way they found it. After the loading away of everything was finished, everyone was exhausted and ready to go home, and Paul left the ballroom without seeing Kathy or saying goodbye to her.

Paul isn’t the kind of man who’s forward with women and doesn’t put the make on women because they are female, and Paul didn’t want Kathy to get the wrong impression and think he had less than honorable intentions. So, Paul concluded good memories of a beautiful woman slowly dancing in his arms would have to be good enough for him.

However, after the reunion, we continued with our old lifestyle, but Kathy spent a lot of time thinking about Paul, and after a couple of weeks, she wanted to talk to him and thank him for helping her. Paul was a rabbit, and the boldness Paul couldn’t express, Kathy did, and she called Paul.

Kathy isn’t a forward person, and calling Paul took a lot of courage for her to do. But for some reason, there was a tugging at her heart that wouldn’t go away, and for an unexplainable reason, she wanted to talk to Paul. After calling him, their hearts became light and merry, and for two hours, the cares of the world were meaningless, and the joy of talking to each other was all that mattered.

However, the phone call had to end, and Kathy told Paul to call me sometime and talk to me, and Paul said he would. Even though Paul couldn’t get Kathy off his mind, he didn’t call her back, and as Paul assesses his decision, he concludes he is a scared rabbit, running from his heart and Kathy Sue.

The prophet Jonah was a rabbit and ran from God, which didn’t do any good to run. The tugging at Paul’s heart continued, and with each passing day, the tugging grew more substantial. Paul didn’t understand his feelings since he was a rabbit, but he wanted to hold Kathy Sue in his arms again and feel her close to him, but the rabbit in him was still running.

Kathy was a little upset at the rabbit in Paul, and Paul didn’t have a good excuse for not calling her back. After another two weeks, Kathy decided to call Paul again, and Paul was glad she dared to call him. I can tell you that Paul was ashamed of running like a rabbit when he knew he shouldn’t run.

Kathy asked Paul if he would like to come to her house for lunch, and Paul said yes. Paul concluded he was a man, not a rabbit, and wasn’t running anymore from Kathy Sue. Although Paul wanted to believe a good friendship was developing, not a romantic adventure.

Kathy felt the same and wasn’t looking for romance or shopping for a man. Although she hoped Paul would be a good friend, they could do things together. However, on this night, she had a project to fabricate, and a helpful friend was what Kathy wanted the most.

It was breast cancer awareness month, and Kathy’s granddaughter was in college, and they were building a breast cancer float. Kathy’s granddaughter called her and asked her to make a backdrop and dress it in pink, and it was a tough job needing to be finished in one night and ready for delivery the following day.

Kathy and Paul spent all evening working on the pink backdrop, and they would have to take shopping breaks and go after material. And the slack time between their work, Kathy and Paul would take water breaks. But Kathy and Paul worked late into the night and finished the project, and after that, Kathy and Paul—-Pause in the story; if my readers want the rest of the story they have to ask for it.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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