This explanation story is the pinnacle of truth, and it’s intended to include everyone, and it’s because the subject in this story is a freedom fighter. So, I’ll call this story a symbol of freedom because it entwines the ultimate God, the enforcer of righteousness, and the goal inside every person’s heart.

This meaningful story highlights the only God determined to encourage freedom. Because He cares about souls, He’s willing to deliver whoever loves Him from bondage, but not precisely from the bondage of men, but from the bondage of Lucifer and sin.

I guarantee that other gods, other than the great God of Israel, would rather men be enslaved people than free men. For example, during the first Earth age, before the great cleansing flood, I want you to know the evil Lucifer and his army of rebellious angels and their mixed bloodline children took themselves, many human enslaved people.

I am one hundred percent sure the evil Lucifer and his army of fallen angels invented the definition of slavery. There isn’t any doubt in my mind; they were the wicked dictators on this Earth before the great cleansing flood, and if wickedness has heritage, the roots of it connect to the first Earth age and Lucifer.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, it took a great flood and Noah’s Ark to free the flesh and blood people from slavery. I know for sure the desire for enslaved people and dictatorship is a character learned from the spirit of Lucifer. Furthermore, Lucifer doesn’t want us to be free or in love with the word of God.

I assure you all nations bound by cruel dictators that practice slavery live under Lucifer’s influence. If the eye is open, and the blindness of the mind isn’t hindering us, then we see his servant dictators scattered all over this world.

This truth means the wonderful God of Israel isn’t the light in nations of darkness, and His light doesn’t shine on dictators who oppose His word. Mainly because wherever freedom is oppressed, so is the great God of Israel oppressed, and oppression is an ungodly characteristic of all Lucifer-controlled dictators and murderers of men.

I assure you, many God-hating dictators, ungodly nations that oppress freedom, and the God of Israel kill the Christians and burn the church houses. They forbid the circulation of Bibles, and they do not want the word of God to be an influence among their people.

Mainly because the God of Israel is a symbol of freedom for all, regardless of race, color, or gender, but ungodly powerful dictator men do not want peace, love, and freedom for all. This truth means the great God of Israel hinders their goals, and the light He shines they do not want in their kingdom.

Therefore, they hate the perfect God of Israel, as their evil spirit guides have influenced them to do because He believes in freedom for everyone. Truly, if we live in a free nation, we better respect our freedom, fight to keep it, and build our lifestyle rules around the word of God.

However, some Christian nations are stomping on Christianity, trying hard to crush it. It’s called change, change, religious liberty, or liberal equal rights for everyone. Surely, we are a fool to believe the liberals speak for everyone or want to preserve Christianity.

However, as good as liberal philosophy may sound to ungodly people, liberalism opposes the God of Israel. I am one hundred percent sure; ungodly liberalism angers the infallible God of Israel, and ungodly liberalism angers a sincere Christian, too.

Concerning our allegiance to God, I assure you that we must be loyal and differentiate between the holy and the unholy and the clean and the unclean. For guidance, the great God of Israel reveals the right way to divide religious differences from ungodly differences.

His perfect ways reveal the formula for ensuring freedom from dictators, freedom from sin, and freedom from the wicked prince of this world. For the benefit of having a perfect world, the only thing everyone must do is live by His righteous Ten Commandments.

Furthermore, the great God of Israel isn’t passive, and natural disasters, pestilences, and diseases are His sword and arrows of recompense. I assure you the wrath of the God of creation will hurt suppressors of His gospel truth, one way or another.

Positively, there’s a voice from the Heavens above, crying to everyone, and it delivers the same essential message, generation after generation. I guarantee you, my God wants everyone to be free from spirit-controlled dictators and the evil Satan imposes on this world.

His voice is always crying out for attention, and He’s saying, flee from the grips of slavery and take hold of the freedom My word has to offer. I guarantee you the great voice crying out from the Heavens above is the caring voice of God.

Furthermore, when supernatural disasters occur, do not be surprised at the possibility of our mighty God illustrating His anger at rebellious people. I am sure our all-powerful Creator God gets frustrated with undisciplined people who oppose the righteousness of His word.

Indeed, when men and women refuse to worship Him and align their lifestyle with His required word, I believe with all my heart, the rocks will cry out and worship God. When they do, places and people who ignore His commandments will feel the wrath of the God of creation.

This truth means the earthquakes we see happening in ungodly places could be the rocks crying out to God, and so says the Son of God. As He walked toward the Roman-controlled city of Jerusalem, the good news of His coming to the temple of Herod traveled ahead of Him by word of mouth.

Positively, He took enough time to stop by the villages, purposely visited the people, and healed many believers along the way. The believers in Him didn’t want to miss Him, and for the glory of God, they gathered themselves on the roadside ahead of Him.

They shouted, blessed be the King and glory to the Lord in the highest. However, because of unbelief, the Pharisees present disapproved of the believers praising the wonderful Son of God on that day. But from their heart, their praise of our Messiah was a compliment of great faith.

Furthermore, the ungodly Pharisees, jealous of Yeshua and not impressed by the wonderful Son of God, openly illuminated their resentment toward Him. They asked the wonderful Son of God to stop the people from praising Him, and He replied.

Luke 19:40 I (Jesus) tell you (Pharisees) that if these (faithful believers in Me) should hold their peace (means become silent), the stones would immediately cry out.

In the last days, before Yeshua returns, the word of God assures us there will be distress of nations with perplexity. Therefore, I must warn you the distress of nations happens for a reason, and it’s because nations have turned away from our Creator God.

Positively, for the above reason, the natural elements of this Earth are appalled by the wickedness in this world, and because of ungodliness, they are crying out in protest. Furthermore, regardless of the many logical reasons to omit the God-element, some unbelieving men use their reasoning to excuse divine intervention.

This meaningful story, A Symbol Of Freedom, presents two great messages to all nations, free or not. The first message concerns forgetfulness; forgetting about the God of Heaven and Earth is the easiest way to lose our protection from Him.

Whenever the great God of Israel and His guidance are missing from among the people in free nations, I want you to know the people will become enslaved to the prince of this world, Satan. Truly, this is the second message: freedom they’ll lose, whether partial or total.

Obviously, because of the ungodliness of all sorts, we can see examples of dictator nations still in power worldwide, and to ensure their strength, some combine their influence on the world stage. The signs of the times indicate the stage is nearly set for a final fight between good and evil.

I assure you dictators are ungodly and wicked people born to do evil, and because of the direction of their decisions, I can easily say they are the bad seed on this Earth. The Bible tells us choking out the wheat is their primary desire since freedom for everyone is the goal of the wheat.

Honestly, the corridors of time haven’t advanced all people to freedom, mainly because the God of Israel is suppressed among dictators. However, when the wonderful God of Israel is invited among them, righteousness will prevail, and freedom will ring throughout their nation.

This truth means the wonderful God of Israel is our symbol of freedom, and this world wouldn’t have free nations and the feeling of freedom if it weren’t for Him. Undoubtedly, everyone else, guilty of having different gods they worship, is subject to the control of dictators.

Cruel dictators aren’t the same as God-fearing people; they aren’t bound by righteousness and the kind of fairness illustrated by the great God of Israel. This truth means the infallible word of God sets men free, and suppressing the righteous word of God is the formula for slavery.

I assure you the amazing God of Israel has unlimited power, and He doesn’t have any boundaries. I want you to know He could make us robotic if He wanted to control us. However, for the benefit of free will, He doesn’t impose His will on the hearts of dictators.

However, He will set men free if they love Him. Although, He’ll also turn His ear away from people guilty of worshipping false gods. Sadly, if you take notice, dictators have ruled some nations for thousands of years, and freedom isn’t in sight for them.

Now you know the main reason for dictator nations and the opening allowing the King of dictators through the door. However, if you desire the wonderful gift of freedom, turn away from all manufactured gods and only worship the righteous God of Israel.

Positively, the gift of freedom only has one source, and the great God of Israel is our symbol of freedom. However, serving other manufactured or counterfeit gods deafens His ears, and He doesn’t deliver whosoever worships strange gods from bondage.

Furthermore, wisdom on our part is recognized because we worship our Creator. I want you to know without having His wonderful and perfect word for our guidance and Him for our only God, then we’ll all be enslaved people to something unwanted, one way or another.

I assure you, all we have to do is a comparison test, and it’s accomplished by observing dictator-controlled nations and free nations. Then we’ll realize why the great God of Israel is our symbol of freedom. We’ll know why; it’s a good reason not to take God out of our picture. I advise you to wear His Ten Commandments on your heart and ask the God of Heaven and Earth to destroy dictators.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer


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