Within this need for everyone to understand the story and provide a glimpse into the future, I am glad to share A Last Day’s Mystery Sign to spread knowledge worldwide. It reveals a defining moment in time while the Son of God taught His disciples, Apostles, Pharisees, and many other people gathered around Him.

The location of this extremely important lesson takes place at the second temple built on the dome of the rock or somewhere close by it. Many people in the crowd were anxious to know a mystery and wanted to know when the kingdom of God was to come.

Furthermore, these same men were as curious as we are, and it’s pretty apparent to me these men during the time of Jesus wanted a glimpse into the future. Also, they wanted to know the last day’s signs to precede His second coming, and they knew Yeshua could tell them about future events.

I assure you the all-knowing Son of God was the right person to ask, and He didn’t dodge their questions. I want you to know the Son of God was authentic and filled with the knowledge of the ages, and answering questions concerning the future wasn’t difficult for Him to do.

However, the all-knowing Son of God would answer questions puzzlingly, and the way He answered puzzled some people and was satisfying to others. On this particular day, because of certain people in the crowd, He decided to be a little illusive.

He purposely avoided being direct, and because of certain people in the crowd, He answers the next question puzzlingly. His answer requires knowledge about things in the past before we can understand future prophesied events.

Indeed, because of jealousy and unbelief, the Pharisees kept a close eye on the Son of God, and they looked for ways to discredit Him, and He puzzled them immensely. However, just for the record, they couldn’t find an honest way to discredit Him.

Therefore, as people gathered around the Son of God to hear His teaching, the skeptical Pharisees asked Him. When should we look for the kingdom of God to come? Truly, this is an unanswerable question; He couldn’t ultimately reveal it for various reasons.

Mainly because men aren’t privileged to know the day and hour of His second coming, which is one event His Father in Heaven wants to be kept secret, but He did reveal vital mystery signs. The mystery signs He will reveal indicate His second coming.

However, we must be knowledgeable about several past events before we can understand the mystery He’s talking about in the book of Matthew. On that day, He told the Pharisees His return would come at a time when the end days to arrive are similar to the days of Noah.

Furthermore, the Son of God said that the end days in the future would be similar to Lot’s days and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. I assure you, the days of Noah and the last days of Sodom and Gomorrah have a similar ungodly problem.

Therefore, when the excellent Son of God returns to this Earth again for His second coming, the generation’s end time could be ours. Because parallels are strong evidence proving an accurate prophecy and the days of His second coming will be similar to the wicked and unclean liberal days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah.

Therefore, our last day’s mystery sign will include many men turned over to reprobate minds, and I believe this world will be overwhelmed by same-sex couples full of gay pride. In this generation, prophecy is being fulfilled, the closet door has opened, and it’ll not be closed again until Christ controls the Earth.

The pre-designed God-imposed curse of homosexuality began during the first Earth age, before the great cleansing flood. This recognition truly means the God-imposed curse of homosexuality coincides with the time of Noah. Furthermore, during the time of Noah, Lucifer and his army of demonic angels were here in physical form.

Lucifer, the wicked, rebellious angel who opposed God in Heaven and on this Earth, was the first known rebellious angel to receive a supernatural curse from God, and scripture evidence reveals the curse of homosexuality began with him.

Furthermore, homosexuality identifies with Sodom, Gomorrah, more than anything else. Truly, the most revealing last day’s mystery sign, without a doubt, will be entwined with a supernatural God-imposed curse from the time of Noah and the first Earth age.  

Positively, I conclude that the last day’s mystery sign is noticeable in our generation’s world stage, and it’s the number one social issue among almost all nations. Indeed, from now until the tribulation time, the social problem will oppose the word of God.

I assure you, the all-knowing Son of God, purposely and puzzlingly, revealed a glimpse into our future approximately two thousand years ago. Truly, it doesn’t take the sharpest tooth on the saw blade to see His prophesized prediction is true and accurate.

Therefore, a glimpse into the future means there’s not much time left before the Son of God returns to reap the tares simply because the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah identify with the overwhelming characteristics in this generation.

Conclusively, same-sex marriage is, without a doubt, a last day’s mystery sign, and it’s because same-sex marriage can only happen after this world identifies with Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah. Undoubtedly, more than any other time in history, this generation accurately identifies with both periods.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the great tribulation time to come might be closer than we think, according to this last Day’s Mystery Sign. I assure you, the stage is already set, the curtains are closing, and the end game is near, and this story purposely reveals the most critical Last Day’s Mystery Sign.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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