In this foresight story, If God Answered Every Prayer. I guarantee sickness would be prayed away, and the death of the flesh would cease to happen. It’s the kind of story able to get the imagination going, and even the sky couldn’t limit the imagination of man and woman if God answered every prayer.

Furthermore, I am sure everyone would be rich in material things, and the working world would be different, but reality proves God doesn’t answer every prayer to us. Sadly, I must conclude that an active imagination merely reflects our hopes and dreams.

I assure you that divine blessings and favors men and women ask from God aren’t easy to obtain, and it’s easy to see not every need can be prayed for and fulfilled. Instant coffee is one thing for sure, but I am not aware of prayers being instant and for sure.

I assure you that blessings and favors from God have limitations, and they aren’t as easy to get as steak and eggs at a restaurant, and divine blessings and favors aren’t always ready in ten minutes. This truth means God isn’t a short-order waiter waiting on us to ask for favors from Him.

Therefore, short-order blessings and divine favors are usually out of the question and rarely ever obtained. This wishful thinking story, I am calling if God answered every prayer, is an assurance story too, and it’s assuring you it doesn’t happen that way.

Our wonderful and loving God is generous and loves a righteous person trying hard to have a pure heart. However, when a person conforms to the ungodly ways of this world, rejects their Creator, and puts the word of God out of their mind.

Indeed, whenever a person has poison bites and unclean lips, like a beast eating roadkill, they kill in the wilderness of wild cities and prey on innocent lambs. Then divine blessings and Heavenly favors are nearly impossible wishes, and we would be foolish to think otherwise.

However, some people are bold at what they do, take life by the reigns, and make their blessings by hook or crook. Although, these types of people will pay for it sooner or later, mainly because the God of Heaven and Earth believes in divine recompense.

If God answered every prayer, there would be no end to how we would pleasure ourselves on Earth. If divine blessings and favors were available for our ordering, then I am confident my all-powerful God would be someone we use to get our way.

Furthermore, most of us would be spoiled and rebellious if we didn’t get our way and have everything we desire, and if everything came easy for us, we would lean to our understanding and not depend on God. But it’s easy to conclude we would rely on material gain instead of Him.

Indeed, we have examples of spoiled people in this world, and they usually fulfill the definition of being self-centered brats. Usually, spoiled rotten people reject living by the ways of God, and the excellent ways of God are by the perfect Ten Commandments.

In my opinion, Lucifer and the rebellious angels were living like spoiled brats in Heaven before they fell from the presence of God. Truly, they didn’t respect God and His perfect design for Heaven, and perhaps it was because they were self-centered and spoiled angelic brats.

In this foresight story, I am calling if God answered every prayer. It illustrates that our life will include difficulties and wasn’t designed to be easy and accommodating. For this reason, girt up your loins, face life like a man, and be a loyal servant to God, strong enough to walk in the ways of the Lord on your strength.

Furthermore, do not believe life is a box of chocolates and let the imagination run away; expect our supernatural God to answer every prayer and hand us blessings on a silver platter. Surely, if we do believe this way, we’ll suffer through many disappointments in this life.

Conclusively, our testing in the flesh requires something from us, too, and our caring God will not take our test in life for us. After all, we aren’t babies anymore and do not need someone to lead us around by the hand.

If we do not sit in a highchair and need someone to feed us, God expects us to be a man and earn our way through life, and I want you to know we cannot pray all our troubles away. However, I hope God will hear your prayers and answer them whenever you need His help.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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