I’ve been writing Bible stories for approximately twelve to fifteen years, and I would read approximately five million words yearly for many years. I am proud to say that I’ve written about fifteen hundred individual Bible stories throughout the years, and my love and respect for Him and His word hasn’t faded with time.

After many years of study, I’ve discovered that God’s excellent and perfect word is the pinnacle of wisdom, and He wrote mostly in simplicity. His word isn’t complicated to figure out, and He wants to know our requirements to Him and know the whole duty of man.

The excellent and outstanding King James Bible consists of approximately seven hundred and eighty thousand crucial words. It seems we have to know many story examples before comprehending the whole matter’s conclusion, and every time we learn something new about Him, our closeness to Him increases.

My great God wants us to know that the conclusion to the entire matter is summed up in six words, and the six important words are to reverence God and keep His Ten Commandments and infallible decrees. However, mainly everything revolves around His perfect Ten Commandments.

I want you to know that I call this story The Barrier because humanity has a perception problem. A close observation proves that an invisible demonic barrier of unknown power is holding us prisoner and keeping us from absorbing and committing to the whole matter of man.

The prohibiting barrier we cannot see or feel and aren’t aware of surrounding us seems similar to an enclosed reflector shield designed and used daily by the demonic Lucifer. The reflector shield appears to encase us and prohibits the clarity of reality from getting through to us.

This truth means there’s a powerful supernatural force in this world, invisible and undetectable, and it’s a cruel source of power, encasing us within a barrier. Sadly, everyone trapped within the Dome-Shaped Barrier does not realize they are a victim caught inside an Encased Barrier. Otherwise, we would be perfect, ladies and gentlemen, and live honestly.

The cruel dome barrier blinds the mind and heart; we drive through this life in a thick fog, and the invisible barrier keeps us from seeing not far past our hand. Sadly, our ability to be perfect in godliness is hindered, similar to a thick fog impeding a driver’s ability to keep between the lines on the road.

The enclosed barrier encasing us has walls we cannot see, and only a few men and women in every generation will escape their encased barrier. Sadly, the rest of the world will live their entire life and not realize they’ve gotten trapped inside an Encased Barrier, and we will have to be Bible-savvy before we can escape from our encased barrier.

I want you to realize that the strong encased barrier, invisible and undetectable, traps us within variations by degrees. It can get thicker or thinner, and its thickness depends on our determination to learn and abide by the beautiful word of God.

This truth means that the more Bible illiterate we are, the thicker our barrier becomes, and the more Bible savvy we are, the thinner our Barrier. However, after we fall hopelessly in love with the authentic word of God, our eyes will open, and the barrier may disappear altogether.

Indeed, the objective of the beautiful word of God has a specific goal: to release us from our encased barrier and deliver us to a place where we can see further than our hands, like driving under clear skies and bright sunshine on a beautiful day.

Furthermore, everyone fortunate enough to escape from their encased barrier will consider the wonderful word of God every time they make a decision. After escaping the slavery of the Encased Barrier, they will try and do as God wants them to do.

Indeed, it’s easy to conclude that most people live within an encased barrier, and it’s easy to see that most people are driving through life in a thick fog and having difficulty keeping between the ditches.

Positively, the encased barrier we live within has ditches on all four sides, and we’ll have to make the right moves to keep between the trenches. The right moves mean we will live according to God’s word. However, falling into the ditches means the fog impairs our vision and decisions, and the barrier will not lift.

Conclusively, the invisible barrier is a heavyweight held down by strong gravity, and it’ll take exceptional strength of the heart to escape from an Encased Barrier. Our failures in life illuminate trials, tribulations, and past experiences, proofing we’ll have to overcome the air’s demonic spirits before fleeing an Encased Barrier.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I am sure that most people in this Satan-controlled world will live all their lives and never escape from their encased barrier. Sadly, it’s because they are weak in the Lord and let an evil demonic power blind them and hold them down.

Positively, the written word of God is our most significant source of wisdom, and the word of God tells us that men and women perish for lack of Bible knowledge. A lack of Bible knowledge identifies with an invisible encased barrier, and whoever lacks Bible knowledge is usually a permanent Encased Barrier resident.

The exceedingly strong encased barrier some men and women live within has no restraining walls or bars on the doors and windows. However, because they have incredible mind control abilities, invisible demonic spirits are weaving webs of deception outside the encased barrier.

I want you to know that we are at war with the demonic spirits of the air, and it’ll take the whole word of God to destroy our encased barrier. Indeed, it’s a strong barrier the passive and indifferent person will not escape from during their entire lifetime.

Therefore, it’s fitting to end this story with me saying, get on fire for God’s perfect and excellent word, be a passionate believer in Christ, and escape from your encased barrier. Whoever lacks biblical knowledge will be trapped in the fog all their life.

I call this unique and expressive metaphor story The Barrier. Because of its importance, it has an extraordinary and revealing message for you and entwines the beautiful bread of life. I want you to know that God’s wonderful gospel is the image of God, and keeping our eyes on Him illuminates the path leading out of the encased barrier.

Therefore, I conclude that my wonderful God holds the key to the barrier, holding us prisoners trapped within its dome. The wonderful gospel of God may not look like a key, but it opens and closes many doors and dissipates invisible barriers. Therefore, please be wise, out-fox the fox, and be a thorn in the serpent’s side that builds walls between God and us.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer

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