This true-to-life story, personal, sincere, and meaningful to everyone, I call Broken Wings, portrays all of us at one time or another in our lives, and it’s because we all get our wings clipped, sooner or later, by someone or because of a hurtful event.

Broken wings mean we’ve made a mistake and are experiencing the repercussions of a hurtful dilemma. Truly, we are suffering through something wrong; we do not want to suffer because of hurt, and with all our hearts, we wish this specific something didn’t happen to us.

Broken wings parallel all the negative things happening to us, and broken wings will cause our hearts to hurt painfully, and because emotions feel pain, the hurt from them leaves us scarred. Indeed, if we could go back in time, I am sure we would prevent whatever broke our Wings.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I can accurately say that most broken wings parallel to sins we commit or sins committed against us. I sincerely believe that our Wings being broken because of sin will eventually cause us to hate everything associated with the evil works of Lucifer.

I assure you that broken wings will break our hearts and bring tears to our eyes, and broken wings will cause us to be remorseful concerning many things. Truly, when tears fall from our eyes, and our hearts feel pain, we are experiencing Broken Wings.

Broken wings are always personal to us and usually tragic, and sometimes death is caused by Broken Wings. I am sure we wish we could glide through this life, free as a bird, and not get our wings broken. However, sadly, I must conclude that we cannot fly like the wind through this life without hitting rough spots, nor can we live day after day and escape from being hurt.

Sadly, I must say, there must be thousands of different problems that will cause Broken Wings. Sometimes, broken wings are a casualty caused by family death, adultery, cheating, stealing, and lying. Sometimes, broken wings are caused by violence, verbal abuse, a lack of love, and insufficient understanding.

Sometimes, if we are fortunate, our broken wings will be repaired, and we can fly away healed. But sometimes, our broken wings cannot be fixed, and sometimes, our broken wings never heal. However, it’s for sure our broken wings will leave unwanted scars behind.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, spiritual blindness is a terrible disadvantage, and spiritual blindness will eventually cause broken wings. It’s because spiritual blindness is the reason for many bad decisions. However, I want you to know spiritual enlightenment will provide wing protection.

Broken wings mean we are ashamed of our past and all our transgressions against the beautiful word of God. Broken wings represent that we aren’t happy with the mistakes of our youth and the foolish things we did, and we cannot reverse them.

I assure you, and I can accurately say, everyone lives in a glasshouse, and the next time, we consider throwing rocks at another person’s house. Then, we should consider the amount of glass used in constructing our house.

Furthermore, I hope you realize it’s not thoughtful to stomp on someone with broken wings, especially when they are lying on the ground and hurting from the pain of Broken Wings. Surely, the illumination of uncompassionate is revealed whenever someone stomps on broken wings.

Indeed, if there’s a perfect time to be sensitive toward someone, then it’s when they have broken wings. I assure you that broken wings identify with the vulnerable person, and it’s cruel to stomp on a vulnerable person who is already hurting from injured wings.

Sometimes, broken wings will make us stronger, and for our well-being, they’ll cause us to examine our lifestyle and boost our character’s strength. Broken wings will prod us to search for our wonderful Creator God and look for rest under His wings.

However, a perfect life is unachievable, and everything doesn’t always turn out well. Sometimes, broken wings get the best of us, and we’ll find ourselves hooked on alcohol, drugs, and an immoral lifestyle, and sometimes, we die because of Broken Wings.

Therefore, I warn you that Lucifer likes to break our wings, and sometimes, he uses broken wings to influence our behavior. I believe Broken Wings will cause us to do unacceptable things we wouldn’t normally do if we didn’t have Broken Wings.

I am sure the wicked and cruel Lucifer, sly like a fox and evil like a Tasmanian devil, takes advantage of vulnerable moments. I am sure he understands the domino effect; sometimes, our broken wings will cause other Wings to be broken.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, if we could look into everyone else’s heart and read their entire life’s past and present history. Then, I am confident we would see broken wings, with some wings hidden from detection and others worn openly.

Indeed, this Earth is a gathering place for broken wings, where everyone here has suffered from a similar tragedy. Broken wings result from a disaster, and tragedy has an unavoidable destiny to fulfill, entwined with breaking our wings.

Sometimes, men and women get their wings broken repeatedly, and it must be because they refuse to learn to fly right. I am sure our flight plan in life has a lot to do with whether or not we get our wings broken a few or a lot of times.

Anyway, life has rainy days and some pretty tough curves, and sadly, I must say, because of mistakes I’ve made or by a twist of fate, my wings have been broken so many times that I’ve lost count. However, getting my wings broken is a terrible experience, and I know I need to protect my wings from hazardous moments.

Positively, because of my experiences in life, I am a perfect candidate for this broken-wing story, and I wouldn’t want to use anyone else as an illustration example. So, for this reason, please read this story wearing my shoes and consider me the perfect example person in this story.

Therefore, I must reluctantly confess since I coincide with most people. My old sinful life was full of broken wings, and since I hoped to become a new person, I decided to give Doctor God a chance to heal me and mend my broken wings.

Doctor God went to work on me, and He started with my heart, and I am glad to say I’ve been flying higher than I ever could before. Truly, now that I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with His wonderful word, I write sincerely Bible-related stories from the heart.

Maybe I still have a few broken wings because my memory recalls broken wing moments, which will always be a thorn in my side. However, Doctor God keeps me occupied; I rarely have time to think about broken-wing moments. I am happy my new life with Doctor God has a much safer flight plan.

Positively, since this sincere heart story revolves around you, me, and everyone else, I hope you’ll let Doctor God help you, mend your broken wings, and design a safer flight plan. Truly, for your well-being, I hope you’ll have smooth sailing for the rest of your life.

Paul Douglas Castle

Bible story writer


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