This revealing story, meant to entwine everyone together in this world, which I call Stereotyped, has one specific purpose and intends to illustrate common characteristics all people share. Shared characteristics are between everyone, regardless of religion, color, gender, or nationality.

Therefore, we can call this story the truth analogy if we choose to because there’s nothing debatable in this one-of-a-kind personal story, and all of us living on this Earth are entwined with this story to some degree. 

I want you to know that within this unusual story called Stereotyped, I’ll do my best to illustrate a similarity and sum up everyone living in this world, regardless of whether the person is a believer in Christ or an unbeliever, not having faith in my great God.

This impartial story, meant to illuminate a link between us all, called Stereotyped, doesn’t exclude anyone, regardless of our stance in this world, whether rich or poor, race, gender, or nationality. Or the God, the goddess we worship, or whether or not we have a God.

I assure you, beyond a doubt, I’ll leave no one out of my analogy. Everyone will be stereotyped in this declaration story because men and women worldwide share some characteristics, but no one has precisely the same character qualities. 

I’ll evaluate everyone within this fair-to-everyone story, which I call Stereotyped, and not individualize anyone. Positively, my analogy will include everyone from all four corners of this Earth, and similarities must entwine for the benefit of being stereotyped.

Furthermore, after considering the spectrum of achieving success in writing this unusual story, I conclude that evaluating everyone the same way illustrates an exceptional accomplishment. Truly, it’s possible; since the beginning of time, no other person has succeeded in doing this accomplishment properly.

Therefore, please take your time and read this equally fair story called Stereotyped slowly; it’ll be easier to understand the full effects of its meaning. After reading this story, you’ll be forced to realize all of us are running in the same race. 

The world is symbolic of a wilderness, and we humans are symbolic of wild and unclean beasts; even at our best, we are none good, and all of us trapped in the flesh are helplessly flawed, and no person is perfect. 

It’s for sure; we humans are the victims of frailty, and death is the only thing able to set us free and loosen our chains of bondage to hurtful things. The flaws of the flesh are like horrible demons or sharp, painful thorns that penetrate and pierce our souls. 

I want you to know that our scars of abominations will never heal because they are pictures reflecting our sinful past, and the things done cannot be undone; no more than a bullet can stop in mid-air after leaving the gun. 

Life is similar to a clock, only turning clockwise, and time cannot be turned back. Whatever we do today, we’ll live with it until we die because there isn’t a mistake eraser able to erase our past, and all the foolish things we’ve done and the regrets in our life cannot be taken back. 

Therefore, I conclude that the only hope we mistake-makers have to inspire us as we go forward in this world of flaws is that our past abominations will not be repeated. However, because we learn from our mistakes, we can be remorseful and use hindsight to shape us into better people. 

Indeed, regardless of what we are, life goes on as our future extends, and it doesn’t stop until the unknown ends, and as one life dies out and ends, another one begins. This pattern coincides with the natural order of things, and there’s nothing we can do to change our predetermined life cycle.

I assure you that God set the life cycle in motion, and we cannot change anything concerning the natural order of things. As sure as the rivers flow in one direction, the flesh will fail us someday, and no man can choose the hour and the day; no more than we can grow wings and fly away.

Our autobiography, written in the Book Of Life, accurately records deeds we like and dislike, and we can do nothing to change the events recorded in the Book Of Life. Assuredly, no secrets will go untold because everything said and done will be brought into the light. 

I assure you that fair judgment on anyone cannot be accurate until the heart reveals its secrets. However, before the Judgment throne, all the secrets hidden within the heart will gain a voice and speak from the rooftop, and the unknown will become known within the realms of Heaven. 

I want you to realize that our abominations are the sins of our past and are the terrible things we did, unapproved by our Creator God, and as much as we do not want to, we’ll all fall short of perfection. However, sadly, I must say, we humans are fallible and will need forgiveness. 

Furthermore, I am sure if another hand wrote on the sand or scribed on the wall. The great message would say, do not cast the first stone to see another man’s house fall.  

Mainly because everyone lives in a glasshouse; all men and women are laden with abominations and sins. None of us created so perfect; we can cast the first stone at another person’s house because they’ve done something wrong. 

Right or wrong are our choices, and a doer of abominations is wrong. However, our compassionate and revealing Bible assures us that life can be Right through repentance and change, with the beautiful gift of salvation to gain. 

Therefore, the hardheaded and the stubborn, laden with sin, will not pass through the gates where eternity begins. For this reason, flee abominations and seek purity, and do not be a wasted soul condemned to leave this Earth sorrowful and unhappily. 

Indeed, I advise you to girt up your loins, face life with a grin, and not be afraid to call God your friend. He will be your special friend and be fair to you if you reverence Him and keep His commandments. 

This revelation story, which I call Stereotyped, entwines the facts of life with our frailty, past failures, and the ability to start a new life. Because of these common characteristics, I call this story Stereotyped

I assure you that the mercy of God is excellent, and Bible stories declare that being able to start a new life reveals one of the reasons Yeshua died on the cross. Truly, if He was willing to sacrifice His life for us, we should be ready to carry His cross everywhere we go. 

It’s correct to say His pure, undefiled blood allows us to repent, change, and start a new life. I want you to know that if we can be stereotyped a certain way, then being similar to Christ is the right way to emulate.

I assure you that picking up His cross and walking in the footsteps of His commandments means we aren’t taking His blood sacrifice in vain. However, we are wrong if we think we can blaze our trail through this life, do right on our own, and be exempt from the judgment of damnation without having a Savior. 

Therefore, for this reason, and clarification, I am telling you that picking up His cross means we’ve decided to entwine our life with His gospel. I want you to realize that His gospel is a Savior from the claws of demons and the fires of Hell, and we haven’t got much hope without having it to study.

I firmly believe that if it’s possible to repay Christ for His human sacrifice? He would say, be a hot and on fire Christian, care about salvation for the unsaved, walk in My ways, and keep My covenant. I assure you, it’s a terrific feeling to be hot and on fire for the beautiful word of God and to know we have a future in His kingdom.    

Bible story writer

Paul Castle

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