This fair-to-everyone story, Equal Love, revolves around the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, and their inner emotions. Because we need to know, this story describes how our Creator God feels about all people, and I am glad to say it’s regardless of the nation we live in or our skin color.

Equal love means we can be loved equally by God, but it’s up to us to accept His love. Surely, we must give to receive, and believing in the righteous word of God illustrates the right formula for creating equal love.

I assure you that if we do not believe in the infallible word of God, then we’ll not be loved by God, and this analogy illustrates equal love. Many people will say God loves us but doesn’t love what we do, and I say He will not love us if we do not believe in Him.

Love flows two ways, or love doesn’t flow at all, and this accurate analogy means two-way love is the pinnacle of equal love. I conclude that one-way love doesn’t amount to anything worthy, nor does one-way love possess anything fitting the definition of equal love.

However, the following revealing scripture purposely portrays equal love, but it takes both of us to create equal love. Truly, being baptized into Christ, regardless of race, nationality, or gender, illustrates equal love from above.

It might be accurate to say that the loyal Apostle Paul was the first Apostle chosen to preach salvation to heathen nations. However, if he was, I am sure he based his teaching on the words of Jesus. Written in Galatians 1:16, the Apostle Paul says that I might preach (means reveal) the Son of God among the Gentiles.

The following few scriptures reveal the teaching of the Apostle Paul to everyone concerned about preserving their soul. The following enlightenment scripture explains equal love in the highest degree and reveals from Whom it matters the most.

Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as having been baptized into Christ (means have given your heart to Him) have put on Christ.

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, nor male nor female: For ye is one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ (means one of His believers), then are ye Abraham’s seed (means offspring, or heir), and heirs (means children) according to the promise (made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

I assure you that the above equal love scripture is emphasized as non-exclusive, and no one is left out of his analogy. This truth means that anyone having enough faith to believe in the Son of God also has the right to claim the promises of God.

Therefore, this incredible and equal opportunity promise would be exclusive if made to the Jewish people only. However, I am happy to say that this promise of equal opportunity is non-exclusive. Indeed, this promise includes all Christians faithful enough to believe in Christ.

Please understand and know that we can only be considered the seed of Abraham if we believe in the honorable Son of God, even if we are grafted in seeds from a strange nation other than the land of Israel.

For a reason only He knows, the great promise of salvation was given to the Jews first and the Gentiles last. However, the last is loved as much as the first, and the scriptures say there is neither Jew, Greek, bond, free, male nor female more privileged to claim His promises, and this truth illuminates Equal Love.

Indeed, the above need-to-know and sincere words the Apostle Paul speaks say the promise to Abraham’s seed is non-exclusive, except for the requirement to believe in the Son of God as our Savior and our divine Deliverer from permanent death.

This truth means that if we have enough faith to believe in the honorable Son of God and are in love with His infallible word. We accept Him as our only Savior and are willing to put on Christ by wearing His righteous gospel, and the best suit to wear daily is His covenant-designed commandments.

Then we faithful Gentiles, or whatsoever is our nationality, who live in other lands all over this Earth are His children. The scriptures reveal that we believers in God are Abraham’s grafted seed, regardless of race, color, or gender.

Therefore, I want you to know that all the blessings and favors accompanying the promise to Abraham are ours to claim, especially if we put on the gospel of Christ and are proud of His perfect word. I am sure devout believers in God are pleased with the Son of God and will follow His ways forever.

I want you to realize that regardless of who we are, we can claim the gift of eternal salvation and live the life of an immortal if we have enough faith and determination to follow and believe in the excellent gospel of God.

However, I assure you, a severe warning comes from this declaration story called Equal Love. The strict warning is written in the beautiful book of Revelation, chapter three, verses fifteen and sixteen. For this reason, we cannot straddle the fence and be almost convinced.

Conclusively, I want you to know true believers in Christ have a requirement, and it’s a monumental requirement. This truth means our Father in Heaven expects all of us believers in Christ to be hot and on-fire Christians, loyal to His perfect word.

Definitely, not cold or lukewarm like the Laodiceans and not make-believe like the Nicolaitans. However, being committed to God’s beautiful word and believing that nothing else is acceptable secures us a home in His kingdom. Because Knowledge of God increases our faith, I want to share an important fact: God’s gospel is The Image Of God!

Surely, knowing this truth will inspire whoever loves God to study more often, and a lack of study reveals weak love.

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