This enlightenment story concerning most people worldwide revolves around beauty and the flesh. Even though our life shouldn’t, it portrays an ongoing contest between our physical appearance and the flesh and the value some people attach to beauty. 

Although I have to admit, and you’ll have to agree, because of the progression of age, the flesh has the advantage of beauty. A quick look in the mirror, day after day, proves that the flesh body usually has a longer lifespan than the appearance of beauty.

Because as we grow old, we’ll watch time destroy beauty much quicker than time destroys the flesh, then I am sure other qualities will become greater in value than beauty. I am sure the image change is the natural order of things and God’s intentions for the human race. 

Indeed, I conclude, the contest between the flesh and beauty is the strongest in our youth. Even though the flesh body has a limited lifespan and is as frail as glass, it’ll still outlast the lifespan of beauty if we live more than a few years. 

Almost everything created under the sun looks more beautiful when young and new. However, the corridors of time move fast, and age quickly deteriorates beauty faster than the flesh. Indeed, the wise person looks beyond the flesh, evaluates the heart, and values inner beauty more than outer beauty.  

The main reason is that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost didn’t allow us pictures of them. They want us to realize that our image on the outside of our bones isn’t as important as the image of our inner character. 

I assure you, it’s vain to believe the image of our flesh will always be beautiful, even if we are beautiful in our youth. The beauty of youth disappears with age, and no one can defeat the progression of age or drink from the fountain of youth. 

This truth means the body clock never stops ticking away, and beauty doesn’t last long before old age replaces it with wrinkles and scars. Our lifespan is compared to a vapor, lingering a moment and gone. 

Although I wish all men were handsome and never grew old, I wish all women were beautiful forever. However, the fact remains true, and reality is our mirror, and it’s pretty apparent that God designed our life cycle to deteriorate with age. 

This truth means nothing known to man can stop the body clock from ticking away, and we can see ourselves growing older daily. Truly, we all know the clock ticks away, and with each passing day, our beauty fades away. 

I want you to know it’s not debatable, so I do have to tell you a fact. However, fret not; the beauty standards don’t judge us, and in the end, after much wear and tear, we’d have hell to pay if beauty were our eternal life judge.   

Indeed, it’s a good thing for us men and women; our heart’s beauty is the barometer God reads, not the smile or frown of the flesh. I am confident that our heart will be the indicator of having partial power to decide where the soul ends.  

Positively and too often, the conclusion concerning beauty illustrates that it is a contest between our character and the beauty of our flesh. For this reason, I warn you that we shouldn’t prefer outward beauty over a godly character. 

Furthermore, I want you to know that our appearance is often the reason for our decisions or how we dress today. However, the beauty of our appearance shouldn’t be our decision-maker or a reason for doing anything.  

I guarantee that reading romance novels and looking at ourselves in the mirror isn’t the formula for a beautiful heart. However, reading romance novels and constantly looking into the mirror illustrates a terrible, vain character.

Indeed, I want to warn you that getting a lot of attention isn’t always beneficial to our souls. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, a vanity character is a formula for ungodliness, adultery, and all sorts of immoral and carnal sins, and sometimes, beautiful flesh falls into the traps of all of them. 

As you’ve learned through examples, old age gets the last say, and popularity decreases as our beauty fades away. This fact indicates the advantages of beautiful flesh are temporary, and the fallout from making wrong decisions will last longer than the beauty of the flesh. 

Therefore, I am sure it’s correct to say that youth and beautiful looks symbolize the flowers blooming in the spring. But still yet, as pretty as the flowers look, they’ll fade away and die in the fall.

It’s for sure; too much emphasis is put on beauty rather than godliness, even though it will not compare to godliness. Surely, if we make an accurate analogy, we’ll have to conclude that godliness wins all contests between beauty and the flesh.   

Therefore, I assure you that godliness will increase our longevity in the next life and much more than the advantages of beauty. The final results at the end of our life will prove good character is worth much more in the long run than beautiful flesh.

Therefore, God bless all beautiful people with beautiful hearts and character qualities, but never forget to cherish your beautiful heart because a beautiful soul is an everlasting treasure, much more valuable than gorgeous flesh.

Conclusively, if we could pattern a characteristic, then without a doubt, a beautiful heart will cause a person less trouble than gorgeous flesh. For an example, to consider, Lucifer was lifted because of his attractive appearance, and he’s had a troubled life from the beginning. 

For the above reason, and it’s entirely possible, his beautiful appearance was his most significant obstacle in life; it gave him a false image of himself. This truth means an attractive appearance has too much influence on carnal, corrupt, and immoral opportunities and how we proceed through life.

 This beauty and flesh contest story entwines you, me, and others living among us. It has a declaration to declare, and this story says, do not let beauty influence our decisions or get in the way of putting godliness first.  

Indeed, the beauty of nature is our illustration, proving a beautiful landscape is tranquil to look upon if we do not get bitten by a copperhead or a rattlesnake living on the same landscape.  

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