Delicate Flower

In some people’s thoughts, a flower is the pinnacle of beauty and delicacy, and it’s hard to imagine a comparison to the softness of the petal of a rose. I must say nature is a beautiful artist, and I believe a man cannot paint as pretty a picture as nature paints.

However, nature has a master teacher, and the art nature paints is an accomplishment the art designer teaches. I dare say the delicate flower and the warm, gentle rain falling on our faces, the flakes of snow that melt in our hands, and the soft wind against our bodies and the rays of the sun illustrate the delicate artwork of nature.
Indeed, after considering the above examples, we might believe nature is the greatest painter in the world since nature gives us beautiful artwork. However, there is an artist potter who works with clay, and the gentleness of the rain, flakes of snow, and the soft air that blows through our hair and caresses our face cannot compare to the artistic examples of the man that shapes the clay.

Kathy, whenever I touch your face, feel the softness of your lips, hold your hand in my hand, see your beautiful smile, hold you in my arms, I know I am holding a delicate flower, more delicate than the petals of roses. And the gentleness of nature, the warmth of the sun, the beauty of it all will not compare to the delicate feeling of two hearts touching as the color of our auroras melts into one when we hold each other close. Paul

Compliment with the flowers.
Kathy, If I could rope the moon, I would wrap it in a bow and give it to you. If I could command the twinkle of the stars, I would tell them to be a crown on your head. If I could command the sun, I would tell it to

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